Wilson Richards

After playing some scenarios with Wilson I just want to strongly advise you to look for Tool Belt and/or Tinker in the opening hand. As an investigator that uses plenty of assets (mostly of them occupying hand slots), you may find yourself slot limited and not being to exploit the versatility that Wilson provides (which I believe is his biggest strength). Also I advice to include Ever Vigilant as the number of actions you spend playing assets can be detrimental.

Fluxway · 120

I find it very unsettling that Wilson Richards can't use this card. I guess it would not fit the designers idea for the investigator restrictions; yet I think this would be an awesome card for the Handyman, both flavor and gamewise. It could not only benefit the use of tools but also some synergy cards as Gang Up and Call for Backup.

Fluxway · 120
Mysteries Remain

There are a lot of reasons to prefer Roland’s replacement signature cards over the original. One is that his gun uses up ammo. Another is that he has one of the most crippling signature weaknesses in the game, sometimes leading to a death-spiral over the course of a campaign.

This signature is great! It generates a clue out of thin air. And it’s fast, so it doesn’t trigger an Attack of Opportunity.

Hold onto this card until you get attacked at a location without clues, then play it and you’ll earn a clue (with Roland’s innate character power) when you defeat the enemy.

If you draw it late you can’t always be sure of encountering an enemy. So if a the scenario is headed towards conclusion then use it any way you can!

Chemistry Set

Prior reviews focus on the goal of using this for extra clues in a multiplayer setting.

I tried this with Roland in a true solo deck that features Steady-Handed in order to help trigger extra damage from the Katana. In true solo most locations have just a single clue. So there’s rarely a benefit to succeed by 4.

So far it’s working great! It hits the table often (because of Ever Vigilant is always handy via Stick to the Plan) and gives free draws and resources. It feels like a flexible alternative to Empirical Hypothesis.

My sole complaint is that Roland gets a fair number of clues testlessly, so it sometimes feels like it’s not worth the slot that could otherwise be used by Hallowed Mirror.


Silas Marsh can take this and completely annihilate the effect of Cursed tokens. He can simply commit it to every test (he doesn't have to add any Cursed token in the bag), draw tokens, and take it back in his hand. The Cursed tokens would still be worth 0. For the whole game. I am not sure there can be a "Cursed Silas" archetype, but this can be very handy in a duet with a Cursed investigator, or in the Innsmouth campaign with a heavily cursed bag, of if Silas has the Dread Curse basic weakness.

Chakado · 15