
支援. 盟友

盟友. 生物. 詛咒縈繞

费用: 1. XP: 2.

生命值: 3. 神智值: –.

強制 - 在你的回合開始時:將你調查員上的1點傷害移動到"惡魔"上。

強制 - 在"惡魔"被擊敗時:對你所在地點的每名敵人和每位調查員各造成2點傷害。

Edgar Sánchez Hidalgo
鐵杉谷盛宴調查員擴充 #119.
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In Dealing Damage/Horror rule, after you assigned all the damage / horror tokens, the apply damage/horror step goes in this order : Investigator > Enemy > Asset. Sometimes this mattered such as trying to make Devil explode in Enemy Phase. If the assign step would defeat you at the same time Devil, you get defeated first and elimination rule will discard Devil before it could explode.

5argon · 8467
There are only two steps in the order. What you are describing is the bullet points for Step 2. Nothing in the rules suggests a priority order for them. In fact, the rules specify that damage is applied simultaneously. And since Devil's Forced effect has a 'when' timing, it will resolve before the effects of defeat resolve for the investigator and Devil. — Death by Chocolate · 1394
If damage/horror was only applied to assets last, you could never assign damage to an asset until your investigator was dead. — Sepia_Penguin · 332