This used to be an auto-include for me, even would use it as 1/3 of my ITTOI experience if I wanted to have something with more ceiling potential than E Cache. The problem I've been finding is that it can be dead weight late in a campaign because it's so many card slots. This makes me think that there are some cases where you wouldn't want this card, weighed against the times you definitely will.
Surprised no one has talked about how good it is with Bewitching, but here you go, now someone has.
I suppose my last warning is that if your play style involves your ending deck bearing little resemblance to your starting deck because of all the new cards you put in as you rack up the xp, be careful about putting 3x of a Level 1 card in. It can feel great overperforming E Cache in the first half, but then you have to face the decision of whether to cut cards that you paid for to make room for new ones. For example, Easy Mark might look a little silly in a deck that will eventually leverage Pickpocketing (2) or some other type of card that provides both cards and resources in a more efficient fashion.