Easy Mark

This used to be an auto-include for me, even would use it as 1/3 of my ITTOI experience if I wanted to have something with more ceiling potential than E Cache. The problem I've been finding is that it can be dead weight late in a campaign because it's so many card slots. This makes me think that there are some cases where you wouldn't want this card, weighed against the times you definitely will.

Surprised no one has talked about how good it is with Bewitching, but here you go, now someone has.

I suppose my last warning is that if your play style involves your ending deck bearing little resemblance to your starting deck because of all the new cards you put in as you rack up the xp, be careful about putting 3x of a Level 1 card in. It can feel great overperforming E Cache in the first half, but then you have to face the decision of whether to cut cards that you paid for to make room for new ones. For example, Easy Mark might look a little silly in a deck that will eventually leverage Pickpocketing (2) or some other type of card that provides both cards and resources in a more efficient fashion.

acquavaa · 4
For 1XP, it's worth it, even for a few scenarios! — MrGoldbee · 1464
Mauser Tankgewehr M1918

This card is yet to see play, but so far I like it.. and also find it really weird.

So this is basically a deadlier and costlier Ornate Bow, which uses Strength, almost guarantees hit and one-shots most of the enemies in the game. And, for 5 XP, it should serve as your main big weapon.

Yet it has this weird "Hunter, Veteran, Warden only" restriction. Most of this guys are guardians or guardian-ish, and... they honestly don't need this gun.

Full guardians have decent Strength so big boost don't really matter to them. And they have strong in-class competitors, which lack "endless" ammunition, but at least they can reload it with guardians cards, as with Bow.

Guardian-ish greens who cat take it (Tony Morgan and upcoming Michael McGlen) also have 5 Strength. I guess they can fit in more actions to reload this thing with their tech, and use 10 to-hit on Expert Bag? But they lack tutoring for weapons Guardians have.

So investigators that want this card the most are ones with no comparable in-class weapons, low-to-mediocre Strength so they'll appreciate boost and readiness to dedicate hands to holding an anti-tank rifle. Which, among all investigators with Hunter, Veteran or Warden traits leave us with exactly one option! Sole hero, for whom this card is intended to be given. Some might even say it was godsend.

Enter Father Mateo, The Priest, Believer, Warden. Who needs holy books that take away your Elder Sign when you have Tankgewehr? Mateo even got XP to spare at start of the campaign!

Yeah, it's a weird card.

Ragos · 1
It also works for dexter, who may actually enjoy pulling this out of a hat and turning it into something else instead of reloading it. — Spamamdorf · 5
Who's gonna use 5xp and both handslots for a gun you're not reloading? — MrGoldbee · 1464
It feels like they want to fix their past mistake of making the uses of Ornate Bow "ammo". But that's exactly why I don't like this card. It's worse than the bow in almost every regard. — AlderSign · 300
All true from an efficiency perspective. But from a "have fun with an absolutely ridiculous gun" perspective, I'm going to love playing this card! — acotgreave · 857
Especially flavorful in Horror in High Gear ;) — AlderSign · 300
I’m going to put in my deck and just use it on a swarm of rats >:) — Therealestize · 73
Flux Stabilizer

If a game card has no text describing a test and is just an ability, does that mean the Flux Stabilizer has no effect in the game? If that's how it works, it makes me a little sad about this investigator.

Sasuken · 31
I'm not sure if I read the question right, but you can still trigger the ability as long as you are able to pay the cost, since that changes the game state. — AlderSign · 300
Not sure i understand the problem. As a card it interacts with Kate's character ability so it does have an effect? and the card is a way of keeping track on whether its active or inactive by which side it is flipped onto. If you are sad because that means Kate doesn't have a proper signature card, then don't be sad - effectively its Aetheric Current... a card that can shuffle enemies into the encounter deck, or exhaust them and move them to any location. — Phoenixbadger · 197
Dial of Ancients

This card is ok if you are not prepared to make it broken. Lucius Galloway, Ursula Downs, and Monterey Jack can break this card wide open and make the game a cakewalk. How you might ask? They ask their Local Eldritch know it all to take time and put it to delaying the signs of Cataclysm and the moment someone pulls an auto fail at their location they seal it. So now, for every round, they get one or two actions, and don't worry about the auto fail, because it can't hurt them if it isn't real. This is a much better way than the another way to eat the auto fail because it doesn't require rng or a massive setup. With paying the ferry man and having someone else get xp you can get this at scenario 2 as long as you get 6 xp from the scenario (or 4 if you manage a big kills). Sledgehammer your friends all you want, you know you won't fail because they ate the auto fail.

cocoa2512 · 2
But you have to draw the autofail to seal it. And withouh it, it's a many, many part combo. Three actions, $9, and 4xp+10xp an +ally slot to get it started. — MrGoldbee · 1464
AND you have to research the Dial. — MrGoldbee · 1464
Well Lucius and Monterey jack don't have to worry about translating it because they can/will both be evading. As for the many part combo, it's a combo for 1/2 more actions a round (Ursula's only way to get consistent more actions) + all the charges you ever could want if you were doing something like glyphs. As for drawing the autofail, You going a whole scenario without drawing the autofail? — cocoa2512 · 2
Blood of Thoth

Maybe it's a little too early to say, but I don't feel good about this one.

It has to exhaust each time an offering is placed on it, and it needs to exhaust again to give an investigator an extra action. That's a minimum of 4 turns before it's given you back the action you spent playing it. And another 4 before it's provided actual benefit. You need to be consistently placing doom on cards for the first 3 of those 4 turns for it to be even that quick.

There is something to be said about holding onto the offerings for later, as a sort of budget borrowed time. But considering how contested the accessory slot is for mystics, it's a hard bargain.

Maybe this will be the cycle that adds support for uses (offerings). Considering the term, it would be interesting to see something that requires a sacrifice of some sort to get you some extra offerings on your cards.

Olimarrex · 1
I'm not sure extra support will save this card even. Recharge works alright as a card because each charge is useful on whatever card you put it on. But even if we got a hypothetical card that gave 4 offerings onto a card as an event, that's an action for an action. Heck even if you had some other asset that gave you four offerings every turn on whatever other asset you like that's a two card combo to staple a leo de luca to your neck. It would at least be playable in such a scenario but it would still be rough. — Spamamdorf · 5
To be honest, there is NO WAY they release this card as is UNLESS we are missing something… like maybe another card or an upgrade they didn’t show off … right? I hope so — Therealestize · 73
Holding onto the offerings for the right time is also iffy, considering this uses all offerings when giving the extra action. I'm not sure it'd be worth waiting when it already takes so much time for one use. — jetjet96 · 1
This card is bad. Arguably the worst card in the game. You have to use the charges, or you lose any extra you put on, so you lose the flexibility of the action, and it maybe gives you like 4 actions in a game if you draw it early and get enough doom support? — StyxTBeuford · 13026
Ah, I missed that. For some reason I thought it only removed the 3 offerings. Wow this card is indeed bad. — Olimarrex · 1