Dark Horse Jenny [Yup] [Miskatonic Museum]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Cirune · 53

-"Why would you run Dark Horse on Jenny Barnes, she gets a crap ton of resources and gets rewarded when she has a lot by her Jenny's Twin .45s?"

-Well, you are right in a way. But the deal with Dark Horse is that you have to build a deck around it. And Jenny's passive helps a lot with these kind of build. of course she gets resources fast, but she can also spend them just as fast.

For Dark Horse to be powerful, you need an empty resource pool. Each spent resource is power. So By focusing on a very strong resource engine and trying to spend it all as it comes should make you quite strong right?

Well, this deck focuses on a strong resource engine to power the capacity to boost all of your stat so you can succeed every single test (or so, damn you tentacle)

It is also important to keep in mind that the game rewards you (with XP and an easier time) when you defeat the enemies.

Note: this deck was played on standard, I have little interest for other difficulties at the moment.


Jenny Barnes : 3 of each , she has a pretty good basis for about just anything. Her passive gives her an already interesting resource engine. The only downside of this deck is that most of the time, will simply be a 0. Which is still a success for the vast majority (all) of your skill checks. Her deckbuilding requirement being so open makes her very flexible and offer a wide variety of builds.


Dark Horse: Since the deck has this card in it's name, maybe we should explain this first. Dark is a card that forces a certain build to be effective. Such build mostly comports low cost cards so you can use some while being able to benefit from Dark Horse's power. Since Jenny gains 2 or 3 (with Lone Wolf) resources by turn, she needs a lot of stuff to spend those resources....

Hard Knocks & Arcane Studies: Yup, this is an amazing sink for resources and it covers all stats. (With Dark Horse, if you spend your last resource it's worth 2)


Lone Wolf: First, it's an auto 2-of when soloing. Second, since this deck focuses on resource engine, you'd be a fool not to include it!

Leo De Luca: Auto include in a lot of my decks, the fourth action helps a whole bunch while soloing. Action compression is super important as it helps winning tempo against the Agenda and Encounter decks. (I will probably upgrade this card at some point so I don't have to spend an action to play him on turn 1) Downside, makes running double Charisma pretty much a must. Which is a huge XP sink.

Quick Thinking: More action compression! Plus you should always be able to time it properly.


Jenny's Twin .45s: Great tool for the integrated +1 damage. if you simply save 2 turns for it, it's an amazing asset. But since you can't reliably draw it, you'll need other weapons.

.41 Derringer: You need weapons for the +1 damage. Simple action compression. The condition on the damage makes it a far worse pick than the .45 Automatic would be, but theout of class space was elsewhere. The aim here is to upgrade it to Switchblade eventually as it is plain better.


Flashlight: Not much to say. Take them.

Liquid Courage: This card seems so good. It's super cheap, heals a lot of horror which [Spoiler] is dealt a lot in dunwich. Even tho you shouldn,t be taking too much horror, it's always nice to be able to heal it. Searching for Izzie can really make you low on starting sanity.

Guts, Overpower, Perception: The card draw makes your whole deck more reliable. You can swap them out, but you won't find your other cards as often.

Unexpected Courage: Don,t go out alone. Take them.


Deck size being so small you mostly need to cut cards from it, so having swappable cards in your deck mainly mean you didn't picked the best possible card right? These cards are mostly for the Adaptable upgrade. I strongly recommend spending 1 XP for this first so you can (well) adapt to each scenario and the course of your campaign.

Fine Clothes: Knew I Had some parley actions ins the first two scenarios, putted it as a 1-of. Body slot is uncontested, it's cheap and can always be committed to an test. Plus I had 1 class or neutral spot to fill.

Delve Too Deep: [Spoilers] Dunwich is super cheap for XP. I would like to try getting a shot at the The Gold Pocket Watch so I packed 2 of these. Plus my build seems really XP heavy. (Upgrade Leo De Luca, Switchblade, Charisma, Streetwise, Adaptable then add the The Gold Pocket Watch? ) And lets face it. Jenny can easily take 2 more encounter if timed right.

Dr. Milan Christopher: Even better resource engine? Hell yea! Sadly, his spot is taken by Delve Too Deep while I aquire enough experience for the double charisme requires to play Him plus Leo De Luca and Streetwise and... you got the point. :)

Think on Your Feet: Seems like a really good card, but was not so usefully in the first 2 scenarios. It's a great action compression card but didn't shine.

-Adaptations- Double or Nothing: You should be able to time this to maximise action compresion with a 0 shroud investigation. If you toss in Perception and Quick Thinking, a very easy test can reward a whole bunch. (inb4 tentacle)

Physical Training: Once you get Streetwise, swap your Arcane Studies it. It will open 2 card slots in your deck as Hard Knocks should also be removes.

---Campaign notes---

1B: Almost got out by the front door with Francis, but as I wanted to play Delve Too Deep, i've let the abomination get in., Still got out with Francis but took a mental trauma from Searching for Izzie. 2 XP bought 1 Adaptable. (1 unspent)

1A: Went really good, the janitor was really long to find but saved the students easily. 3 XP bought Charisma (1 unspent)

---Just about anything note---

Playing on higher difficulties should award more XP. The Gold Pocket Watch would be a nice temptation for playing on Hard or Expert.