The Home Front

It's practiced. You have no excuse not to shove Practice Makes Perfect into your Mark deck now! Other practiced skills he likes are Overpower, Take the Initiative, Vicious Blow.

Practice Makes Perfect is also a tactic, so you can attach that to Stick to the Plan.

Erdjo · 325
I think you're absolutely right. I also find Leadership (2) to be a great target for Practice Makes Perfect for Mark. — olahren · 3470
Yeah, pmp is a force multiplier, and The Home Front is an awful lot of force to multiply. — SGPrometheus · 821
Surprisingly, very few Mark decklists on arkhamdb include PMP. — Zinjanthropus · 229

This card will seem more useful when you remember that parley actions, like fight and evade, don’t provoke attacks of opportunity. So even if someone’s coming at you with a butcher knife, feel free to ask them a few questions. And if you have handcuffs out to use, keep your new pal around as long as you need them. Turns out the real Arkham horror was the way you treat cultists!

MrGoldbee · 1470
"I'm outta here!"

Spoilers for The Dunwich Legacy:





..... In the last scenario Lost in time and space to get best ending you have to resign so you have to spend 2 clues. But not with this card. You not only resign from anywhere but you don't have to spend the 2 clues, which is awesome if you are some kind of fighter.

vidinufi · 69
It is the same with the second scenario in the deluxe expansion of Forgotten Age. If you have play it, you will understand ;) I haven't got the opportunity to test this card yet, but I think that if you know a scenario well, it can help you A LOT! — Sotosprotos · 86
This card is a great candidate for adaptable, if you know which scenarios it's useful in. Adaptable basically allows you to avoid the whole, "in some scenarios, it's just worse manual dexterity" problem — SGPrometheus · 821

Has anyone suggested an Eavesdrop with Anatomical Diagrams? That card is much more playable in this context. And Logical Reasoning for keeping your horror in check. This is obviously best used with Finn. You might also EAVESdrop from a Stealthy position

ambiryan13 · 178
Stealth won't help with the eavesdrop test, if that is what you mean — niklas1meyer · 1
It won’t help with the test, but it is an easy way to disengage, and Eavesdrop needs them unenegaged. — Death by Chocolate · 1479
Sure, but it sounded like it was intended to be used like stealth and delilah for example — niklas1meyer · 1
I've thought of this, but I don't know if it's worth one of Finn's 5 out-of-faction slots. Maybe for Rogue Mandy? — Zinjanthropus · 229
If i'm going for an "investigation" heavy Finn I'd rather run 2x Fingerprint kit + 2x Fieldwork + 1x Scavenging this way I can get easily double clue and easily recur my fingerprint kits. — Tacomental · 21
Empty Vessel

This card is rediculous strong. My friend tested for the first time in his Leo deck in our Guardian of the Abyss first scenario and he managed to soak all the damage from monsters and treacheries. With the Wish Eater token cancel, he could pull all the attacks successfully, even when the abyss level became 5 or 6. We played with the Forgotter Age punishing chaos bag (we are at the last scenario in this campaign) and we won really hard. This card is essential to all tankie characters and IMO is a game changer. Also, with the swarming mechanic in Dream Eater, Empty Vessel becomes more strong, even one of the greatest cards for Guardias who have low sanity.

Sotosprotos · 86
I have played it in 1-2 scenarios in Dreameaters so far but I am just starting to grasp just how good this card is after preparing a Standalone Mark deck. You might have to wait until you draw a nasty token but you get actionless healing for 1R and an action to play. As a bonus you can cancel the consequences of the worst tokens (except the obvious one). It requires a bit of work to find in your deck but most Guardians won't have a problem filling the charges up on this card. People can debate whether or not they want to upgrade from Hallowed Mirror or take the Police Badge instead but this card is AMAZING. And in Dreameaters with the Swarm mechanic it is even stronger. — The Lynx · 980