So if I have a fellow investigator who doesn’t really have any decent accessories in their deck, I think I can Teamwork the mirror to them, but I keep all the Soothing Melody cards?
Or have I missed the something?
So if I have a fellow investigator who doesn’t really have any decent accessories in their deck, I think I can Teamwork the mirror to them, but I keep all the Soothing Melody cards?
Or have I missed the something?
Interesting card. Does the constant effect allow you to play a single cancelling card twice for a single event? E.g. "I've had worse…" could be played to cancel a single loss of 4 damage? (And gain 5 resources and a card, by placing it under Diana and then instantly triggering again.)
I.e does the card get put under Diana Stanley before the damage is applied? Her power doesn’t read like a normal timing window of when the cards get discarded.
Knife has always been a bit of a black sheep in my collection. On the plus side, it's useful, cheap, and everyone can take it. On the other hand, the investigators with high have better weapons in-faction, and the investigators with low aren't getting enough of a boost from Knife to make a difference.
And then we got the release of William Yorick, master knife thrower. Recurring Knife was always a possible option with Scavenging, but Yorick doesn't require the setup of finding scavenging nor the need to investigate. Just pay one resource each time you finish off an enemy with a 6, 2 damage test. Compare this to the .45 Automatic, which gives you one 5, 2 damage test per resource spent, and also requires you invest the four resources up front.
Yes, Yorick can only only recur the Knife once per turn using his ability, but this is easily mitigated. Enemy has too much health? Wear it down with your gun of choice and finish it off with your Knife, conserving ammo (or, just have two knives!). Draw an unlucky and lose your Knife? Scrounge for Supplies to get it back, or if you have some XP under your belt play Eucatastrophe to land the hit and recover both your Knife and the Eucatastrophe. (or, just have two knives! There are very few problems that Yorick cannot solve with a second Knife).
Does all this make Knife a good card? No, not really. Guardians will prefer Survival Knife, Rouges will prefer Switchblade, other Survivors will prefer Fire Axe, Mystics will prefer Shrivelling and Wither, and Seekers will prefer another player some save them and their fragile tools.
But if you want to roleplay a humble gravedigger, a man who trained himself in the art of blade throwing over a lifetime of lonely cemetary nights with only headstones for target practice, a man who has no qualms retrieving his weapons from the withered corpse of his victim only to turn around and hurl it into the skull of a ghoul stalking him in the night... in that case, Knife is the perfect card.
Note that this card reads “instead of discovering a clue”, which is different from Burglary's “instead of discovering clues”. So your current location must have at least 1 clue to make this replacement effect work. And if you will discover multiple clues at your location, this card only replace one of them (Burglary, however, will replace all clues you discover).
This could be good for Rita, who in a larger party doesn’t need her hands for magnifying glasses or newspapers. And engaging another enemy means you can just evade and either do damage or move for free. Zoom around the map, rescuing other investigators and letting everyone else do their job. A brand Nubian way to look at the Khopesh.