Crystalline Boxing Gloves

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

damirius · 1110

Cho deck built as multiplayer TFA main fighter, ran with Yorick and Ursula in 3p standard.

Just to note it wasn't built for TFA, but it works good enough, maybe you will pack few more vengeance points than usual tho :).

My main idea was to use Crystallizer of Dreams to double dip into Cho's must have events. The other was to try and get both copies of Boxing Gloves outside which would require Bandolier. So Versatile, Boxing Gloves, Bandolier and Crystallizer of Dreams are your core cards which you want asap in your deck. Boxing Gloves gives us +2 for ALL fight actions, this means both for fight events and regular Fight. Which is awesome for us, since that upgrade indirectly upgrades all our combat events.


I may address this first since it's probably main drawback of the deck. Concern is of course getting Boxing Gloves together with Bandolier out, especially since we have Versatile. Here comes Stick to the Plan. I must say that I didn't go for it right afterwards core upgrades, but would probably do that before upgrading most of the events. The reasoning is that you thin your deck first and foremost, putting Clean Them Out, One-Two Punch and let's say "Get over here!" on it. It sets up your economy, gives you defense against Tommy Malloy and gives you more options for defending your fellow investigators. More importantly it gives you options on mulligan, where you can aggressively mulligan for your Accessory slots and Boxing Gloves/Randall Cho.

Other option is to slot in Prepared for the Worst, preferably still with the Stick to the Plan as a 3rd card to have more fallback options.

3rd option I was thinking about was Backpack. Of course one of the problems is that it takes the Body slot which is already taken by Bandolier. So it either means that you can switch Bandolier for it, or slot both of them in. Then when playing cards attached to Backpack play the Bandolier last which can be tricky if both Boxing Gloves are attached to it.

So it all depends how much consistency you are gunning for and what are you paying for that consistency you want to shoot for. I've went with option one and it was good enough for me.

Draw Engine

With Boxing Gloves out you'll have amazing tutor draw for your events, combined with Daring and Overpower plus Glory you'll have no problems going through your slightly bloated deck. Keep in mind that you can kill the enemy, tutor out Glory and play it immediately in the same triggering window. If you have silent mythos phase (no enemies), feel free to take regular Draw.

Flex Cards

Second Wind is one which gets the cut first IMHO, you can slot whatever you wish, Evidence! if you need more clues or similar, in any case it will probably get upgraded quickly.

Grete Wagner is here for her ability mostly, +1 is nice, but not that needed. If your cluever is a beast you can opt to go with (boring) Beat Cop as an upgrade instead.

Scene of the Crime is really cool card I usually slot in to help my fellow investigators with some cluing on high shroud locations. Keep in mind it isn't Spirit traited so you can't tutor with gloves for it, but you can still use ability of Cho to get it back from the discard.

Overpower is usual staple fighter card which can now be upgraded to Overpower, but it can be replaced by some other skill.


After the core upgrades already listed, you can move on to your events. Of course be free to get some of them before if you wish, most of them aren't too expensive. Also most of them are straight upgrades, feel free to mix them out, but I'll sort them by some kind of priority. Keep in mind that upgrading your events usually upgrades Crystallizer of Dreams too, since most of the upgraded events have more skill icons.

2x Second Wind -> 2x Mano a Mano - Testless 2 damage, or 3 damage if you want to use Cho's ability. What's not to like?

2x "Get over here!" -> 2x "Get over here!" - Remember that Cho's ability is once per phase. This gives you amazing ability to deal 2 damage in phases you don't usually act since it's Fast and played in any player window. It gives you also an option to pull an enemy to high shroud location punch them and then play as your first action Scene of the Crime to get some sweet clues, or to deal 3 more damage with Mano a Mano.

1x One-Two Punch -> 1x One-Two Punch - Absolutely bonkers, of course it comes at steep price of 5xp. This means for Cho 3 damage + 3 damage after fight test for one action. Other thing is that it gives 4 icons! Usually a waste for such event but with Crystallizer of Dreams you can boost your non combat tests or help other investigators pass theirs. You will probably want just one for starters, more or less you are using basic one to fight your weakness Tommy Malloy in less actions. But if you get more exp than you need feel free to upgrade the second one too.

2x Counterpunch -> 2x Counterpunch - Great upgrade, now you can kill the enemy before it actually resolves the attack against you. It gives you +2 to , one more icon and +1 damage. You can combo it with Heroic Rescue, but keep in mind that you can use Cho's just for one of those two cards.

Flex upgrades

1x Hallowed Mirror -> 1x Empty Vessel - You will be doing some killing and you have 2 enemies in your deck already, maybe even 3rd if you are lucky with your weakness draw. Also depends on the campaign too, probably would rush it for Dreameaters. Other option is to get better Hallowed Mirror that works too and you don't need to get it out as quickly as Empty Vessel.

2x Stand Together -> 2x Stand Together/2x "I've had worse…" - Or combination of both, depending if you are feeling generous and need more draw or you need more soak/economy.

1x Safeguard -> 1x Safeguard - If you feel you need more movement this is amazing card and it helps you getting enemies engaged on you instead of on your cluever. You can rush it before if you feel it's needed.

Heroic Rescue -> Heroic Rescue - It frees your cluever without the need to stand beside him, but if you have Safeguard you are probably already near. Keep in mind that even level 0 can give you ability for some shenanigans. If other investigator has access to Quick Thinking for example, or some other way of creating actions outside their turn, it can give them ability to do something else which will provoke AoO and give you +1 testless damage outside investigator's phase.

Overpower -> Overpower - More draw, more icons, what can be said more.

Vicious Blow -> Vicious Blow - It maybe seems a little bit weird seeing this card in upgrade priority, but Cho is really amazing dealing enough damage through events that this isn't a must have, but feel free to get it whenever.

Grete Wagner -> Grete Wagner - You don't know what to do with your exp anymore so you take whatever upgrade. Jokes aside, it gives you access to 1 more health soak, which means 1 more clue and maybe you could try to combine her +1 with some skill icons from your Crystallizer of Dreams to try and do some Investigate .