Jim Culver ... alone ... not including monsters

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

crayok · 1

This is a base deck for attempting the Dunwich campaign with Jim Culver by himself with 1 core set and every other extension up to "Where Doom Awaits". There was a prior attempt but the deck fell completely flat in "Where Doom Awaits" scenario ... it was utter failure and it was doomed to happen when i realized what was required to advance in this scenario and looked at my deck after. So i started back from scratch and tried something that would not end in such an abject failure in the near end while not undermining Jim efforts until then.

The idea was to scrounge up as much investigating assets as necessary. I deemed Alyssa Graham better for its higher sanity value, and Dr. Milan Christopher lesser in spite of his more profitable power. I thought that since the Fire Axe was to get more use even if i got my only Shrivelling, low resources wouldn't be such a problem. Magnifying Glass and good ol' Flashlight were to complement this. I also choosed Working a Hunch instead of Deduction because of 2 test icons instead of 1 and for digging up more than 1 clue there's Rite of Seeking ... plus when you solo there's not so many places with more than 1 clue to find. Drawn to the Flame is always a must if you have access to mystic cards as much as Ward of Protection. That one can save the scenario if played at the right time. To complement the investigating arsenal i put 2 Perception. That makes 11 cards for helping in getting clues making it a pretty surety that at least 1 or 2 will show up in the starting hand.

The weak point is that for the first scenarios i will rely heavily on the Fire Axe for self defence until i can include more attack spells like Shrivelling and Song of the Dead.

The Arcane Initiate and Defiance are here for comfort until replaced and will probably be among the first cards to leave the deck for xp cards, xp which the 2 Delve Too Deep are here to help gather.

Scenario 1 : The House Always Win

I almost always go for the 1B scenario because in solo mode completing this scenario in the best possible way when it is the 2nd one is nigh impossible. This run worked excessingly well, getting me doom shivers for the next scenario, because if you have this much luck once, the old ones will be out for revenge later for sure !!

As a starting hand i got my 2 Alyssa Graham ,1 Fire Axe , 1 Working a Hunch and mulliganed the last which got me Arcane Studies

Got out 1 Alyssa, the Fire axe, and readily grabbed the clue from the restaurant, and i drawed Delve Too Deep.

The encounter card was of no consequence and i proceeded to get more clues from the lounge, and drawed Perception which will be very useful for the yet hidden part of the club.

A new gangster showed up in the mythos phase, i decided to take my time getting resources and delve deeper ,which made yet another gangster appear ... the lounge was getting crowded !! Drawed Rite of Seeking.

The mythos phase made the gangsters realize something was up but too late (Arousing Suspicions. It was time to move to the roulette and have a try or two. The first try was enough and i advanced in my search for Dr Morgan. Since the boss would soon react agrressively i waited for him getting some Unexpected Courage, then a Flashlight from my deck.

The Intrigue advanced, revealing the the hidden corridor and its thug waiting for me. The boss engaged me, and a Swarm of Rats backed him up. Going for the most dangerous one of the two, i spent my whole round pounding on him, spending resources and the my courage in order to kill him. The rat used my distraction to nibble at my leg. Then i got my 2nd Delve Too Deep !!

A Twist of Fate urged me to hurry before things got sour. I quickly dispatched the rats, before getting rid of the thug in the corridor in one sweep of my axe. The way being poorly lit i drawed my Magnifying Glass from my bag of tricks.

Even my Cursed Luck couldn't hamper my efforts at finding the clue hidden in the Art Gallery, helped by my new handheld item. Getting shivers for no known reason it was time i remembered the incantation for Shrivelling.

And good timing it was as the 2 gangsters in the lounge got a surprise and the Servant of the Lurker appeared from the wreckage that had been a restaurant just moments ago. The chase was up and got scared by this 2nd Twist of Fate. Nonetheless i gathered my wits (ressources) and put my remembered spell out to the front. The lurker ... lurked nearer and i stood my ground in Defiance.

My new found confidence got pummeled as i got terrified pondering the sum of all Twist of Fate that kept happening. My courage was faltering and i ran to another hidden room, finding the VIP room at last! My searching for Dr. Francis Morgan was complete, but he mind was fuzzy and i needed t prepare for the implacable foe that was gaining ground on me.

Too concerned as i was by the lurker i didn't notice the Mobster that had been hiding in the shadows until he engaged me in close combat. IO dispatched quickly with my axe, and getting short on hand i got a 2nd Fire Axe and Drawn to the Flame. The lurker arrived and i was unprepared for his savage assault. My body and mind were badly damaged by now and i needed to fell the guy, for i would not be able to endure more than a round unless alyssa sacrificed herself for my sake.

Jim's not a fighter as can be seen when he was thinking that the club had surely put Something in the Drinks for Dr Morgan to be so unresponsive to the fracas going on, instead of concentrating on the fight ahead. A mighty swing of the axe (helped by the 2nd one), followed by a shriveling aimed in Defiance at his groin(-2 token), and another one at his head (skull token) downed him for good.

My mind was the wracked by Dissonant Voices, maybe an aftereffect of the lurker's demise ? So muddled was my brain that i half-heartedly tried to rouse Dr Morgan from his reverie ... and suceeded !! I told Alyssa to get to safety by herself as got hold of Francis, who was still fuzzy-headed. So i tried to gather more clues ... and succeeded !! and so got back to the corridor, hoping to find at last another exit from this place. But time time was running short and my Chronophobia reappeared.

Yet another Twist of Fate! I ran to the last unexplored room, decided to work on my hunch getting the clue and delved deeper again, joyfully to no consequence.

Would my luck hold out ? Yes for not even my rotten Cursed Luck could prevent me escaping from this place!

_O'Bannion gang is pissed off at me Dr Francis Morgan rescued__

XP Gained : 2 (from onsters defeated) + 3 (from rooms cleaned) + 2 (delving deeper) = 7

I know i sayed it worked perfectly well as i gained the maximum of xp i' could have, getting early into the hidden and managing my resources and hand in order to wait for the lurker ... i had a couple risky tests but mainly my luck came from not drawing the Conglomeration of Spheres which would have surely doomed me by then. So in the end, i got damned lucky !

Scenario 2 : Extracurricular Activity