Mind's Eye

So I think there's 3 important things to note about this card that you might have skipped over if you only gave it a cursory glance.

First - the will-check replacement is a reaction triggered ability, meaning you can use your will for ANY check. This makes it markedly different from your normal fist check Shrivelling or Wither which can only be used on a fight action but cannot be used to open a locked door, your normal book check Rite of Seeking or Sixth Sense which can only be used on an investigate action but cannot be used on book check parlays or when you are using an investigate action that is printed on a location or the act/agenda, and your Mists of R'lyeh which can be used to evade but not to beat the evasion check on encounter cards.

Second - this asset takes up BOTH arcane slots, so unless you're using Sign Magick, you won't be able to have this card and one of the more specialized cards mentioned above out at the same time.

Third - the card is Myriad, meaning when you get it, you're allowed to put 2 more copies of it in your deck for free (so potentially 2xp total for 3 of these guys).

So is this card good? Eh... probably not. The 2 arcane slot usage makes it very difficult to put in a deck. Ultimately once you're in the lategame, Mystics are going to be relying on the powerful effects that their upgraded arcane slots bring. From Shrivelling you get 3 damage attacks with a +3 will on your roll, and with Sixth Sense and Rite of Seeking you're looking to get multiple clues with one action with a +2 will on the roll. Simply swapping out your fight or investigate action with will without any bonus to the roll really hurts (though granted you'll probably have a Holy Rosary and possibly Four of Cups to mitigate against the need for the bonus) - and not having any bonus damage or clue pickup per search makes the card lackluster.

Now of course, the benefit I discussed first, that it can be used in any type of check is immensely powerful. But Mystics already have good tools for dealing with these sorts of checks. If the check is coming from the encounter deck, you can just cancel it with a Ward of Protection (or the level 5 version Ward of Protection if you're playing solo). Otherwise you can fix the token bag for non-investigate or fight action skill checks with cards like Dark Prophecy or Defiance or Counterspell or even Seal of the Elder Sign if you're feeling spicy - and this is not to mention that often a bad roll can be undone with Time Warp or the effect ignored with Deny Existence. So you're paying a very hefty price (the loss of the bonus will to the roll, as well as the extra damage or clue benefit discussed above) to cover a weakness that Mystics already cover very well anyway.

The other issue with it is its limited usage. It's got 3 uses. It tries to make up for this by being a myriad (meaning once you've got 1 on field, you can still have 2 in your deck or hand), and allows you to discard them from your hand as a free action to put another 2 tokens on. If you go with that option, that's 7 uses. That's it. 7 uses total, and it cost you 3 cards! And the entire time it is up, it is hogging both your arcane slots, so you're using it for every check - you can't leave the fight and investigate checks to the specialized arcane spells because you can't have those out! So these burn off pretty quickly. Of course, you could replay them instead - but in that case, you're paying 6 resources and 2 actions for just 2 tokens - so that's almost never going to be worth it.

That said, I can see some use if you are planning on running Sign Magick x2. If you can keep this card in reserve so you only have to use it on the checks that your more specialized cards can't do, it can probably be used as an alternative to all the cancels I discussed above. But the setup is harsh - 9 resources to get both Sign Magick and this card out, and your hand slots are gone (so no The Chthonian Stone or Ritual Candles if you were planing those, and no Twilight Blade - not that Diana Stanley would ever want to get rid of the cancels anyway).

The other potential benefit of this card is that it can act as a buffer card if you're having trouble finding your spells. We've all had our Shrivelling and Sixth Sense at the bottom of the deck, and having a myriad card like this with 3 copies to give us the willcheck substitute we need in a pinch has undeniable value. The issue though again is that it hogs both arcane slots, so once you find one of your specialized cards, you're going to have to discard this card to make room for the specialized card if you want it out on the field. This a problem because that means it will fail to substitute for the second card (for example, if you find your Shrivelling first, then you'll have no way to cover investigate checks until you get your Rite of Seeking.) So it is really only an effective substitute so long as you have NEITHER of the specialized cards. So you're better off just using the tried and true Arcane Initiate initiate x2 to find your spells rather than rely on this as a stopgap. And to add insult to injury, this card only has a test icon of +1 will, so it's not even that good when committed to a test - so if you're using it as a substitute card and you draw it late, it's almost a dead draw.

Fredmonroe · 15
Hot Streak

The obvious comparison is between this card and Emergency Cache, but the more pressing one is between Hot Streak and Another Day, Another Dollar. I think that Hot Streak has a place in a few decks, but you generally need to satisfy one or more of these conditions:

  • Your deck will still have Emergency Cache. Emergency Cache is a good card, and 2 more copies of Emergency Cache + can be good for some decks (Leo)
  • You're Sefina. Enough said, the card is absolutely insane with her.
  • You're running 2 ADAD already and still need resources most games. I'm not sure what deck would do this, but it seems fun. Hot streak it up.

Otherwise, I'd strongly recommend just grabbing ADAD instead. The benefit of Hot Streak over an Emergency Cache is +2 resources; for just one more xp, you can get that benefit at the start of every single game (and not have to worry about hot streak's high initial cost).

Hot Streak (4) is more of the same, except even more variance-heavy. Unless you have ADADx2 or some insane draw power, grab ADAD first.

dichromate · 11

As Luke Robinson you are not worried about any enemies around you. As soon as they form a threat you just hop into your Gate Box and zip out of arms way. That is untill you meet this card. "Hello snakes!"

nungunungu · 4
You open the gate box and a snake pops out! — SGPrometheus · 821
what snake pops out? — Alogon · 1125
@alogon I don't know; I was trying to figure out the lore reason why this card made your items blank, and I decided they were covered in snakes. — SGPrometheus · 821
Delilah O'Rourke

Crazy good.

This card is a Sneak Attack on tap, it gets expensive to run but sure enough but with a relatively basic resource generation engine you can trigger her most rounds. Typically evade values are a bit lower than fight values and the vast majority of threats have an evade value of 2 or 3. A card like Lone Wolf will make you just enough resources to be triggering Delilah O'Rourke repeatedly.

To get the most from Delilah O'Rourke you need to be evading, not a problem for high characters like Finn, "Skids" O'Toole or Winifred Habbamock. Finn Edwards in particular with his free roundly evade can kill a minor enemy before he even spends an action! Even if you dont evade though, nailing something with an automatic 1 damage can be so very very helpful, say for example to put a point of damage on an odd-health opponent, also dont forget that there are several 1-health enemies that an angry Delilah O'Rourke will make short work of!

Oh, right, did you notice that she also buffs two stats and has some tank? What IS this crazy value?! Fighting with tends to be expensive, so there's a little anti synergy with her ability, a cheap combat method like Switchblade or Sleight of Hand + Lupara or other inexpensive weapons is recomended (like .18 Derringer for Finn, Enchanted Blade for "Skids").

Between Lola Santiago and Delilah O'Rourke characters sure are spoilt for choice.

Tsuruki23 · 2552
Delilah works very nicely with Hatchet Man by the way. You could make Delilah your main means of damage in a deck if you really want to. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
You don't need to be evading to deal 2 damages with her though: trigger her during the upkeep player window for example, where the enemies will be exhausted from their attacks. — jd9000 · 73
@jd9000 Wow, that's a good point. Nice call. — SGPrometheus · 821
You could do that, but having to wait for an enemy to attack you first is not ideal without cancels like Dodge. Still might come in clutch every now and then, but I wouldnt rely on that. I definitely still think it’s worth evading. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
I'd go evade. You can make it very profitable with 1 or 2 copies of Pickpocketing (2) and Lucky Cigarette Case. This is especially good with Winifred. With her innate card draw, 5 agility, and great rogue ? skills, she can pretty reliably get 4 cards and 2 resources every time. After milking an enemy for a few turns while investigating with Lockpicks, she can kill them off with Delilah and move on to the next thing. — Zinjanthropus · 229

Still not very good.

Typically characters need combos and techniques to deliver successful investigate actions, a card that depends on these actions to do anything at all is never goign to be a good for a who'se is less than 4 (on that note, try the 0xp variant in a Rex Murphy deck, all of a suddent you trigger Burglary on every test where you're going after 1 clue anyway and the card becomes a powerhouse.

If Burglary is to be changed to be useful at all, it needs to deliver clues alongside the money, or something other then just money. Perhaps a 1-round shroud reduction?

Whatever it is missing, Burglary just isnt delivering, not because it doesnt deliver enough resources, but because resources alone will never be useful enough to jump through the huge number of hoops that you must to make the card work.

Tsuruki23 · 2552
Still not loving this card but I am seeing some potential for a high economy deck for Finn. He runs Lola with Well Connected and/or High Roller as assets. He is at a static 5 or 6 plus 2 or 3 with WC/HR. Profit 2-5R (usually at the high end) on 2-3 shrouds. Combo that with LCC for card draw. What will Finn use all of those resources for? Run Delilah and Lola together. Not sure if I really love it but I see some potential. — The Lynx · 980
Waterfall, that's a lot of work for just simply winning an investigation to get a clue. But it does give a lot of flexibility that maybe shouldn't be overlooked. — jdk5143 · 98
It would be a good support card for decks that use ressources for everything (like money talks or well connected), but most who can use it have really low INT and hardly access to permanent INT boosts. — Django · 5107
I did say that I didn't really love it but it starts getting feasible with Finn specifically since he starts at a 4 INT and adding Lola synergizes with needing a high resource engine. Add in Delilah for a very useful way to spend those resources and it doesn't look too bad. — The Lynx · 980