As far as signature cards go, Randall here is on the simpler side - as befits a starter deck - but that simplicity is packed with strength. Looking beyond the advantage that he's cheap and he has significant horror soak, the versatility in his reaction ability makes the margin where he's a sub-par play very slim. If he's your first play or among the first, you can find a weapon to prepare yourself. Later, he can heal a massive amount of damage from your face, giving you more longevity. The space where you're supplied with weapons and at full health is pretty small. Best of all, and this is pretty heartless, but once he's done his thing there's no reason not to have him soak as much horror as possible. Thanks bro!
All in all, Randy's a cheap ally with a strong etb effect and a lot of horror soak; perfect for a low-sanity guardian. His ability ensures that he's a good play no matter when you draw him... unless you already have Grete or Beat Cop in play.