First time trying Agnes Baker, all sets

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

An_Undecayed_Whately · 1104

I'm about to try a two-player run through Dream Eaters. I'm planning on using Daisy and Agnes as my two investigators. Please suggest any improvements for this Agnes deck, which will be combat-focused to pair with a clue-finding partner.

I'm eager to see how the new economy card Prophetic (3) works, so from the start I'm featuring cards that will sync with Prophetic (3) later on.


There are 4 options to deal with enemies. Shrivelling is the classic monster-slaying spell, starting at 2 damage and increasing as XP allows. Storm of Spirits is the Mystic equivalent to Dynamite but usually doesn't damage the investigators. Spectral Razor does lots of damage, adds + for the test, and even grants Engage as a free bonus to deal with Aloof enemies.

The Sword Cane looks amazing and could deal odd damage to finish off monsters. Or to use Agnes' exceptional in place of to deal with weak stuff like Rat Swarms, Cultists, etc. Also: it never runs out of charges. Also: it activates for free when she equips it, Oh, and it lets her evade with the statistic! Looks crazy good to me...

Multiple Triggers for Agnes' Featured Ability

This isn't new by any means, but I aim to use every opportunity available to take advantage of Agnes' featured power to deal testless damage when taking horror damage. Shrivelling triggers it whenever the attack pulls a special token. Forbidden Knowledge triggers it to grant a resource. Painkillers triggers it to regain health. Ward of Protection can conceivably trigger it if there's an enemy in her location during the Mythos Phase.

Defense: Managing Horror and the Encounter Deck

Again nothing new here, but a counterweight to the buildup of horror (from monsters and encounters anyway) are Holy Rosaries (simple soak) plus Peter Sylvestre (recovers a point of horror every turn). But Peter can't be assigned the horror needed for the testless damage, so in addition there's the Fearless skill. Also there's the fact that cards like Deny Existence and Ward of Protection preempt some of the worst encounters...

Rounding Things Out

Lucky! can make a succeess in spite of a bad draw or difficult test. And as XP is gained the powerful Grotesque Statue comes into play to make use of Agnes' spare hand slot, further helping when the odds would be slim.

Once in awhile there's no enemies to fight, and Agnes can pitch in and find low-shroud clues with Rite of Seeking.

Arcane Initiate is great to get early for free draw. If his doom would trigger the act to advance he can be killed off with Painkillers or Forbidden Knowledge.


At the start this looks like rather a weak spot. Uncage the Soul is good, Forbidden Knowledge looks just mediocre. The good news is that Prophetic (3) pays for anything with a keyword Spell, Fortune, or Spirit, which are a lot of the spendy cards here!

XP Spending

Arcane Research and Down the Rabbit Hole provide a 3xp discount between every scenario, which could help Agnes get powerful in short order. The only novel cards are Prophetic (3) and a Grotesque Statue (2), so everything else is an upgrade! Swap out Guts and one Painkillers to make room for the new additions.

Strategy Reminders


Apr 11, 2022 An_Undecayed_Whately · 1104

thanks to some comments on for advice on tweaking this, specifically @Susumu and @Xelto