Carolyn Fern: The ultimate Greedy edition

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mugu · 171

Full support deck (cancel, cluer, heal and income for teammates). Should be paired with Agnes Baker if possible.

Global description:

Carolyn Fern decks are a pain to build because she has only 15 / slots, which are crowded with excellent cards from which you have to pick the best. Though, once she gets the xp from the first missions, her utility become unparalleled as a support investigator.

The deck does not provide any draws beside Perception. Not that you need it as you will always have something to do (use action on healing supplies or gathering clues).

This deck should work with two, three or four players and most kinds of setup.

Alternative picks or why some cards weren't chosen in the pool:

The unimproved version First Aid isn't worth to include and the magical chicken soup (Thermos) is too expensive, even with the traumas on buddies. Hence, this is why you pick Logical Reasoning instead, with the flexibility to remove curse and get faster healing (Tempo is almost always better than Value in Arkham).

x2 Crack the Case would have been great but the free extra action from Shortcut is arguably better with the resource curve of the deck. You may trade a Shortcut for another Crack the Case in case your friends would want more resources than the ones you already give them through healing.

You need the Delve Too Deep in the first mission because the first upgrades will be rather expensive.

Astounding Revelation will be a dead draw but you can still cycle it with Occult Lexicon through the Blood-Rite. (it will later give you 2 resources for free at the start of the mission when you'll get Stick to the Plan).

Fine Clothes seems bad but as your is rather high, you should be guaranteed to succeed the first missions of each campaign that generally features one (and rather) difficult test. You don't have better alternative for a body slot anyways.

Dr. Milan Christopher could have been better than Alice Luxley. But you won't need a lot of resources anyways so it's fine. Moreso, the extra occasional pings you'll get from her will still be useful. Clearing mobs and gathering clues within the same actions is invaluable, even at the price of some AoO on your character (with Deny Existence, you shouldn't be at risk of being defeated because of health damage at least).

Forbidden Knowledge isn't a bad pick, but as your assets are cheap and numerous, and you have better choices, you won't need it.

Solemn Vow is a situational pick in case you are paired with Agnes Baker. It enables you to deal with Rational Thought and fast pinging enemies (providing your friend agrees to receive some horrors hits).

Hallowed Mirror is arguably the best pick on the accessory slot for Carolyn Fern. Self-cycling + flex healing + two net resources split on two players for each Soothing Melody is insane in value.

The +1 you'd get from Holy Rosary doesn't hold a candle. You have enough sanity to withhold most threats. Your only important check will be the curses you might receive but for those critical checks, the two Take the Initiative are there for that.

St. Hubert's Key could have been a pick but the two resources difference is rather a hefty price when you have already Alice Luxley and the other assets to pay, though the main reason is that it takes a precious / slot.


Alice Luxley + Magnifying Glass > Hallowed Mirror > Solemn Vow > Occult Lexicon > Liquid Courage > Delve Too Deep > Ward of Protection > everything else.

Reroll all skills if possible.


First mission:

Delve Too Deep x2 => Ancient Stone: x2 (1 xp each)

Clarity of Mind => Clarity of Mind(1 xp)

Inspiring Presence x1 => Stick to the Plan + Ever Vigilant 7 xp (if you buy stick to the plan alone, you'll have only two targets since the only valid choices are the two Shortcut).

Magnifying Glass => Magnifying Glass (1 xp)

Total xp cost : 11

If you have any exp left after the mission, keep it for now.

Second mission:

(if you couldn't buy the previous upgrade, buy them now). Ancient Stone x2 => Ancient Stone x2 (3 xp)

Clarity of Mind => Clarity of Mind (1 xp)

Perception x1 => Magnifying Glass (1 xp)

Fine Clothes x1 => Bandolier (2 xp)

Total XP cost : 7.

If you have any exp left after the mission, keep them for now.

Third mission:

(the deck should be almost complete at this point)

Deny Existence => Deny Existence (3 xp)

Perception x1 => Death • XIII(1 xp) or Pathfinder (1 xp)

Total XP cost : 7

Fourth mission + :

Deny Existence => Deny Existence (3 xp) (give space for deck building condition)

Inspiring Presence => First Aid (3 xp)

Fearless => upgraded version.


Jan 26, 2020 Snafu964 · 1

What is the reasoning behind buying bandolier if Carolyn can't take weapons to get the benefit from it? Is it just for the skill icons?

Jan 27, 2020 mugu · 171

2 ancient stones + 2 magnifying glass + 1 lexicon = 5 hand slots at the time you get the bandolier. Though you have no weapon, you still need the two additional handslots (the lexicon technically acts as your weapon). The +1 mind is always welcome. Add Alice and the tarot card and you have 8 intelligence, which should be enough to ace all tests. You won't be as effective as a dedicated seeker since you lack acceleration cards to pick up many clues at once, but Carolyn can't really be as effective as Rex or Daisy for that role even if you fully commit to it.

Jan 27, 2020 mugu · 171

Nevermind, I didn't read the card properly. Yes, it's kinda pointless now. Time to revise the deck.