[Le Potager] Sefina Rousseau, fortune teller - TPC Hard

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lethal_Laitue · 338

This deck is meant for a 4 investigators party. Sefina Rousseau is played as a fortune teller (encounter deck manager). She plays alongside with William Yorick (tank), Minh Thi Phan (skill test support) and Jim Culver (sanity healer). Thematically, I wanted to play Sefina as an underground artist featuring some mystical capacities.


Back to the future

We wanted to try some sort of hybrid squad of investigators relying on another balance of capacities than the clue/fight specialization combo. So everybody tried to set another main specific task.

Since our last campaign and some really painful/fatal encounter draws, I wanted to build an investigator that can have some influence on future events and forecoming ennemies. So came the idea of a fortune teller. To build that up, I looked for 2x Scrying to have a peek at the coming cards allocating each event to the adequate investigator, then 2x Alyssa Graham and 2x Ward of Protection to avoid the worst cases. I quickly added 2x Moonlight Ritual to hold Alyssa from fueling the agenda deck.

Also, according to the idea of a fortune teller, the character of Sefina was suprisingly my first choice (so far a investigator could have it so much better) as she can have a series of events that she can "predict" by her special ability. So I made a set full of events cards to get the best opening hand possible. Getting no more than 17 events cards grants me a 82% probability to get at least 5 events to bank, 8 cards to hand, avoiding some annoying discards. Sefina is not a combat monster, nor a tank; I needed to get some evasive actions such as 1x Elusive, 1x Think on Your Feet, 1x "You handle this one!" to bank/copy. Altogether, this could sound a bit light as Sefina's health is really low. But I have some upgrade plans in mind.


I wanted to team up with Minh Thi Phan as much as I can to gain benefit from her special ability. So I let down 2x Lone Wolf and got 2x #Guts, 2x Manual Dexterity and 2x Unexpected Courage.

Search and Destroy

As a rule in our team we should all be versatile. So I finally gathered 2x Rite of Seeking, 2x Drawn to the Flame for the clues and 2x Shrivelling, 2x Backstab and 2x Storm of Spirits to fight. To reduce the cost of those expensive cards I added 2x Uncage the Soul and 2x Emergency Cache.

*Many thanks to the Whisperer in the Darkness for helping me out in building this Sefina deck