Card draw simulator
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Forgotten Age Blind Run #4: The Boundary Beyond | 10 | 3 | 1 | 2.0 |
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Forgotten Age Blind Run #6: The City of Archives | 4 | 2 | 0 | 1.0 |
Magnificate · 1209
(Note to self: Remember to upgrade links when available)
Heart of the Elders
Jenny skips part A and starts part B with extra in the chaos bag.
Supplies: Rope, Map, Binoculars, Blanket, Compass, Pickaxe
Opening Hand: Hot Streak, Hard Knocks, Switchblade, "I'm outta here!", Lockpicks
- PLAY Hot Streak
- Classic rogue opening! Shame there's no De Luca to capitalize on it. I'll likely build up Jenny's board position slowly to make the most out of her Lockpicks.
- PLAY Lockpicks
- INVESTIGATE at #Mouth of K’n-yan with Lockpicks (, 1 clue)
- Upkeep: draw Lone Wolf, gain 2 resources.
- Mythos: 1/7 doom, #Poisonous Spores
- Well, Jenny can move away so that's good. In contrast to the first scenario here the map can outright discard encounters, which is much more useful than stashing them at the bottom of the exploration deck.
- #Mouth of K’n-yan
- #Mouth of K’n-yan (discard #No Turning Back and Deep Dark)
- Notice the combo potential between Poisonous Spores and No Turning Back. Brutal! BTW, when I played the game I thought I had 5-to-2 chance of getting out of the location, now I see it's actually 3-to-2. I might have played more agressively to avoid:
- EXPLORE into #Pitfall (+3, -3)
- Worse, if you look up you'll see that Jenny has no medicine. She had no need for it earlier in the campaign. It was the lack of blankets that caused her trauma, so now she has a blanket. Let's hope it'll be useful.
- Upkeep: draw Machete, gain 2 resources, Poisoned, discard #Poisonous Spores.
- Mythos: 2/7 doom, Deep Dark
- Nothing too bad for solo investigators.
- EXPLORE to #Vast Passages
- Binoculars, check! This location is connected to five others, so that's a lot of potentially wasted actions. At this point Binoculars is clearly the supply of choice for most if not all investigators.
- PLAY Lone Wolf
- INVESTIGATE at #Vast Passages with Lockpicks (, 2 supplies left, 1 clue)
- Upkeep: draw Lone Wolf, gain 2 resources, discard Deep Dark.
- Mythos: 3/7 doom, #Poisonous Spores
- So much spores in those caves! Jenny has to move.
- Lone Wolf
- EXPLORE to #Dark Hollow
- Jenny's map proves useful once again, even if the benefit is minor.
- PLAY Hard Knocks
- INVESTIGATE at #Dark Hollows with Lockpicks (+3 , , 1 supply left)
- Upkeep: draw High Roller, gain 2 resources, discard #Poisonous Spores.
- Mythos: 4/7 doom, Serpent from Yoth
- Lone Wolf
- PLAY Switchblade
- FIGHT with Switchblade (+3 , , 2 damage to Serpent from Yoth)
- FIGHT with Switchblade (+3 , )
- Because of the still lingering spores Jenny sneezed at worst possible moment. Thankfully, during this scenario we haven't stepped on too many serpent tails, so Serpent from Yoth doesn't retaliate. I'll have Jenny keep up the pressure rather than evading.
- FIGHT with Switchblade (+3 , , 2 damage to Serpent from Yoth)
- Enemy: Serpent from Yoth attacks (1 damage & 2 horror)
- Upkeep: draw Elusive, gain 2 resources.
Jenny's Boardstate: 7 health, 5 sanity, 6 resources, 2 clues
Threat: Poisoned, Serpent from Yoth
In Play: Switchblade, Lockpicks (1 supply), Lone Wolf, Hard Knocks
In Hand: "I'm outta here!", Machete, Lone Wolf, High Roller. Elusive
- Mythos: 5/7 doom, #No Turning Back (on #Mouth of K’n-yan)
- I haven't read the setup instructions for Part A, so I've got no idea whether the other side of Mouth of K’n-yan was already used there. I might want to return to the exit when either the act or the agenda flips. On the other hand, other options are even worse. I don't want No Turning Back at the crossroads nor on my current location.
- Lone Wolf
- FIGHT with Switchblade (+1 , , defeat Serpent from Yoth)
- PLAY High Roller
- INVESTIGATE at #Dark Hollow with Lockpicks ( High Roller, , 1 clue)
- Upkeep: draw Searching for Izzie (on #Vast Passages), gain 2 resources,
- Looking back, it's only the second time in the campaign that I drew this weakness and both times some sort of tunnels were involved. Jenny likely fully expects her sister to be hidden in a dungeon.
- Mythos: 6/7 doom, Brood of Yig
- Lone Wolf
- advance #Cavern of the Forgotten Age to #Descent into the Dark (#Dark Hollow shuffled in, 1 clue added on #Mouth of K’n-yan and #Vast Passages, Jenny and Brood of Yig moved to #Vast Passages)
- Jenny's going in circles with serpents chasing her.
- FIGHT with Switchblade ( High Roller, -1, 2 damage to Brood of Yig)
- FIGHT with Switchblade (-1, defeat Brood of Yig)
- INVESTIGATE at #Vast Passages with Lockpicks (+3 , 0, 1 clue)
- Upkeep: draw Relic of Ages, gain 2 resources.
- Mythos: 7/7 doom, #Lonely Caverns advances to #Eyes in the Dark (Harbinger of Valusia at #Mouth of K’n-yan), Creeping Poison (1 damage) surges into Ancestral Fear (1 vengeance) surges into Fang of Yig
- More snakes!
- Lone Wolf
- FIGHT with Switchblade (+1 , High Roller, -1, 2 damage to Fang of Yig)
- FIGHT with Switchblade (+1 , , defeat Fang of Yig)
- At this point it'll be difficult to avoid the Harbinger. There are encounters in the exploration deck and two locations are connected to Mouth of K’n-yan. In addition, Jenny must be hesitant to leave Izzie.
- EXPLORE to #Hall of Idoltary
- OK.
- Enemy: Harbinger of Valusia hunts to #Vast Passages
- Upkeep: draw Mob Enforcer, gain 2 resources.
- Mythos: 1/13 doom, Fang of Yig
- Seriously! With two additional enemies Jenny is officially cornered and about to be mugged by the Harbinger. I'd like to imagine that in this situation she'd pay the mobster for being her bodyguard. Afterwards the two of them can awkwardly talk about... say, spelunking?
- Lone Wolf
- FIGHT with Switchblade (+1 , High Roller, 0, 2 damage to Fang of Yig)
- FIGHT with Switchblade (+1 , , defeat Fang of Yig)
- It's almost the exact same pattern of token draws as the previous round.
- PARLEY with Mob Enforcer
- Enemy: Harbinger of Valusia hunts and attacks (2 damage & 2 horror)
- Upkeep: draw Alejandro Vela, gain 2 resources.
- Mythos: 2/13 doom, Ill Omen (1 horror, 1 doom on #Hall of Idoltary)
- Jenny can hardly keep it together. She's one attack or retaliate away from losing the scenario. However, this time the encounter wasn't an enemy and Alejandro is about to step up for our intrepid investigator.
- Lone Wolf
- EVADE ( High Roller, commit Lone Wolf & "I'm outta here!", exhaust Harbinger of Valusia)
- PLAY Alejandro Vela
- INVESTIGATE at #Hall of Idoltary with Lockpicks , 0, 1 clue)
- Enemy: Harbinger of Valusia readies
- Upkeep: draw Expedition Journal, gain 2 resources.
Jenny's Boardstate: 4 health, 2 sanity, 6 resources, 2 clues
Threat: Poisoned, Harbinger of Valusia
In Play: Alejandro Vela, Switchblade, Lockpicks (1 supply), Lone Wolf, Hard Knocks, High Roller
In HandMachete, Elusive, Relic of Ages, Expedition Journal
- Mythos: 4/13 doom, Brood of Yig
- Lone Wolf
- EVADE (+3 , High Roller, , Harbinger of Valusia hisses away)
- FIGHT (commit Machete, , 1 damage to Brood of Yig)
- FIGHT (+3 , , defeat Brood of Yig)
- OK. Clear. Jenny wipes the blood off her blade. I bet she'd also want to sharpen it, given how it got nicked on serpentine scales.
- Upkeep: draw Unexpected Courage, gain 2 resources.
- Mythos: 5/13 doom, #Pitfall (commit Unexpected Courage, 0)
- Not too bad.
- Lone Wolf
- INVESTIGATE at #Hall of Idoltary with Lockpicks ( High Roller, +1, 1 clue)
- PLAY Expedition Journal
- EXPLORE to #Descent into Yoth (1 doom)
- Excellent! Because the situation has stabilized and finishing the scenario seems to be relatively straightforward, I think Jenny can afford to go back and search for Izzie.
- Alejandro Vela (draw Leo De Luca & Unexpected Courage)
- Upkeep: draw Overpower, gain 2 resources.
- Mythos: 7/13 doom, #Poisonous Spores
- It seems that the spores oozed from the deepest depths of the cave. Still, good for Jenny, as it's one more round with no immediate danger.
- Lone Wolf
- PLAY Leo De Luca
- EXPLORE to #Crystal Pillars (commit Unexpected Courage, -2)
- INVESTIGATE at #Crystal Pillars with Lockpicks (, discard Lockpicks)
- INVESTIGATE at #Crystal Pillars (, 1 clue)
- INVESTIGATE at #Crystal Pillars (, 1 clue)
- Note that Jenny's taking five actions in a round!
- Upkeep: draw Switchblade, gain 2 resources, discard #Poisonous Spores.
- Mythos: 8/13 doom, Deep Dark
- Lone Wolf
- MOVE to #Vast Passages
- Searching for Izzie ( High Roller, )
- Well, it says right there on the card that these passages are vast. You can't expect Jenny to be done with her search without thoroughly going over every hole and tunnel.
- EXPLORE to #Perilous Gulch
- Nope, still not enough to make rope worth 3 supply points.
- INVESTIGATE at #Perilous Gulch (commit Relic of Ages, -2, 1 clue)
- Upkeep: draw "Watch this!", gain 2 resources, discard Deep Dark.
- Mythos: 9/13 doom, Entombed
- Lone Wolf
- Entombed (commit Switchblade, Overpower & "Watch this!", bid 3 resources, , draw Machete, gain 6 resources, discard Entombed)
- Good job, Jenny! We've our trailer for the movie based on this scenario.
- MOVE to #Vast Passage
- Searching for Izzie ( High Roller, , discard Searching for Izzie)
- EXPLORE to #Dark Hollow
- That's the last location, the one Jenny lost at the beginning. Turns out the scenario map is hexagon-shaped.
- Upkeep: draw Unexpected Courage, gain 2 resources.
Jenny's Boardstate: 4 health, 2 sanity, 8 resources, 6 clues
Threat: Poisoned
In Play: Switchblade, Leo De Luca, Alejandro Vela, Lone Wolf, Hard Knocks, High Roller, Expedition Journal
In Hand: Elusive, Machete, Unexpected Courage
- Mythos: 10/13 doom, Ill Omen (1 horror to Alejandro Vela, 1 doom on #Dark Hollow)
- Lone Wolf
- INVESTIGATE at #Dark Hollow (+3 , High Roller, -2, 1 clue)
- Alejandro Vela (draw 2x Think on Your Feet)
- DRAW Hard Knocks
- DRAW Ichtaca
- I was digging for Delve too Deep. There’s just one in the deck. In fact, because Forgotten Age is so far very generous with experience I might decide to replace Delve too Deep with some other card very soon.
- Upkeep: draw High Roller, gain 2 resources.
- Mythos: 12/13 doom, Curse of Yig
- Lone Wolf
- Elusive to #Descent to Yoth
- INVESTIGATE at #Descent to Yoth (+3 , High Roller, , flip doom to clue)
- R1.
- Traitor! Or is he? My guess is that Alejandro is mind-controlled. I predict we’ll get an opportunity to either free him or convince him to be honest with us in one the future scenarios, similar to how we restored Ichtaca’s faith earlier. Still, restoring her faith required two cultists tokens and in this run we’ve got just one tablet token. I can’t comment much on the scenario since I’ve experienced only one half of it.
Campaign Log:
The Untamed Wilds: Jenny cleared a path to the Eztli ruins. Alejandro chose to remain at camp. Jenny has earned Ichtaca’s trust. 7 XP (Ichtaca, Ruins of Eztli, Serpent's Haven, Circuitous Trail, 2 bonus XP). 1 Physical Trauma. Yig’s Fury: 0.
The Doom of Eztli: Jenny recovered the Relic of Ages. The Harbinger is still alive (0). Jenny gave custody of the relic to Alejandro. 6 XP (Burial Pit, Grand Chamber, Secret Passage, Charon's Obol, Delve Too Deep). Yig’s Fury: 1.
Threads of Fate: Jenny found the missing relic. Jenny rescued Alejandro. Jenny forged a bond with Ichtaca. 7 XP (Maria DeSilva, Northside, Eztli Exhibit, Arkham Police Station, Town Hall, Charon's Obol, 2x Delve Too Deep, 3 bonus XP, 5 XP spent do heal trauma). Yig’s Fury: 1.
The Boundary Beyond: 6 paths are known to Jenny. Ichtaca has confidence in Jenny. The Harbinger is still alive (0). Jenny mapped the way forward. Ichtaca's faith is restored. 8 XP (Charon's Obol, 6 locations). Yig’s Fury: 1.
Heart of the Elders: The jungle watches. The Harbinger is still alive (0). 9 XP (Serpent from Yoth, Hall of Idolatry, Dark Hollow, Perilous Gulch, Crystal Pillars, 2x Charon's Obol). Yig’s Fury: 2.