Forgotten Age Blind Run #3: Threads of Fate

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Forgotten Age Blind Run #2: The Doom of Eztli 5 4 1 1.0
Inspiration for
Forgotten Age Blind Run #4: The Boundary Beyond 10 3 1 2.0

Magnificate · 1203

Threads of Fate

Supplies: Provisions, Rope, Map, Binoculars

Opening Hand: Jenny's Twin .45s, Lone Wolf, Leo De Luca, Unexpected Courage, Switchblade

Jenny starts the scenario having listened to Ichtaca's tale, having gone to the police, with extra in the chaos bag and 1 Physical Trauma.


  • INVESTIGATE (, discover 1 clue at Rivertown)
  • MOVE to Easttown
    • It's not an entirely blind run since I know the layout of Arkham, so I know going to Easttown saves me two resources. Playing both Leo and Lone Wolf is an ideal opening, so let's go ahead and do just that.
  • PLAY Leo De Luca
  • PLAY Lone Wolf
  • Upkeep: draw Elusive, gain 2 resources.


  • Mythos: 1 doom, Words of Power
    • It turns out the forces of evil have discovered Jenny's true name, Guinevere! With two cultist-themed encounter sets present in the scenario Jenny should discard this card immediately, before actual cultists appear.
  • Lone Wolf (gain 1 resource)
  • Words of Power
  • advance Missing Persons to At the Station
    • Narrative-wise, I think Jenny would prioritize finding Alejandro, then team up with him to find the missing relic and finally confront Ichtaca. So far the scenario obliges.
  • MOVE to #Arkham Police Station
  • INVESTIGATE (+3 , +1, discover 1 clue at #Arkham Police Station)
  • Upkeep: draw Think on Your Feet, gain 2 resources.


  • Mythos: 2 doom, The Secret Must Be Kept (-2, 1 damage & 1 horror to Leo De Luca)
    • Brutal! Well, perhaps not as brutal as it could be when drawn late in the scenario. I'd better hold onto that Unexpected Courage.
  • Lone Wolf (gain 1 resource)
  • INVESTIGATE (+3 , +1, discover 1 clue at Arkham Police Station)
  • advance At the Station to Alejandro's Prison
    • I'm afraid Leo might get displaced by Alejandro when the latter is rescued. Secrets Must Be Kept also suggests that rushing one act over all others might be dangerous.
  • MOVE to Easttown
  • MOVE to Downtown
  • Downtown (gain 3 resources)
  • Upkeep: draw Elusive, gain 2 resources.
    • Another mobility card. Good.



  • Mythos: 4 doom, Nobody's Home
    • Excellent encounter design! It's an effective deterrent without being overbearing. Investigation would now take too long, but Jenny can still afford to parley once. This will leave her no margin of error while fighting the Nightgaunt, but with the vast majority of the tokens being minus two or less the risk seems to be worth taking.
  • Lone Wolf (gain 1 resource)
  • Maria DeSilva (+3 , +1, 1 clue on Maria DeSilva)
  • advance Strange Relics to The Brotherhood Is Revealed (Maria DeSilva is Ichtaca's prey!)
    • OK, that takes precedence. In one swift motion Jenny spins around and aims both her guns at the shop owner. Ironically, if not for the Nightgaunt, these guns wouldn't be in play and Maria would more likely than not get bonuses for being on a location with no clues.
  • Jenny's Twin .45s (4 ammo left, 0, 2 damage to Maria DeSilva)
  • Jenny's Twin .45s (3 ammo left, -1, defeat Maria DeSilva)
  • advance The Brotherhood Is Revealed (take Ichtaca, discard Leo De Luca)
    • As expected, Leo is gone. Next time I'll have Charisma on hand to prevent that. For now, let's see the girls leading the flying monstrosity away from the wounded Leo.
  • MOVE to Northside
  • Enemy: Hunting Nightgaunt attacks (1 damage & 1 horror to Ichtaca)
  • Upkeep: draw Lone Wolf, gain 2 resources.

Jenny's Boardstate: 7 health, 7 sanity, 3 resources, 0 clues

Threat: Hunting Nightgaunt

In Play: Ichtaca (1 damage, 1 horror), Jenny's Twin .45s (3 ammo), Lone Wolf

In Hand: 2x Elusive, Perception, Lone Wolf, Unexpected Courage, Switchblade






Jenny's Boardstate: 7 health, 3 sanity, 7 resources, 1 clue

Threat: Brotherhood Cultist

In Play: Alejandro Vela, Jenny's Twin .45s (1 ammo), Lone Wolf

In Hand: Machete, Delve Too Deep, Switchblade, Hard Knocks



Campaign Log:

The Untamed Wilds: Jenny cleared a path to the Eztli ruins. Alejandro chose to remain at camp. Jenny has earned Ichtaca’s trust. 7 XP (Ichtaca, Ruins of Eztli, Serpent's Haven, Circuitous Trail, 2 bonus XP). 1 Physical Trauma. Yig’s Fury: 0.

The Doom of Eztli: Jenny recovered the Relic of Ages. The Harbinger is still alive. Jenny gave custody of the relic to Alejandro. 6 XP (Burial Pit, Grand Chamber, Secret Passage, Charon's Obol, Delve Too Deep). Yig’s Fury: 1.

Threads of Fate: Jenny found the missing relic. Jenny rescued Alejandro. Jenny forged a bond with Ichtaca. 7 XP (Maria DeSilva, Northside, Eztli Exhibit, Arkham Police Station, Town Hall, Charon's Obol, 2x Delve Too Deep, 3 bonus XP, 5 XP spent to heal trauma), Yig’s Fury: 1.