⌂ 2 Packs Deck Guide : Basic Quad-Boost Jenny Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

5argon · 8001

A popular idea with Jenny deck constrained in limited packs deckbuilding is to have Streetwise covering , and then splash Physical Training to cover , . Then use her wealth to pump from her uninspiring 3 stats.

This deck is exactly that obvious Dunwich-only Jenny deck. Yet when beginners heard about it I have nowhere to point them to, so I made this deck with upgrade plans and some write ups for their reference.

► About "2 Packs Deck Guide"
 A series of decks made with the new distribution model in mind, requiring a Revised Core Set box + just 1 more Investigator Expansion box. ⌂ character on the deck's name means the additional box it uses is The Dunwich Legacy Investigator Expansion.
 It maximizes the chance of newcomers being able to build and learn to play the game, enjoying the story on Standard difficulty ASAP. They can then get into deck-building later if they wished to do so. See other decks in the "2 Packs Deck Guide" series here.

 Cost  Total
19 XP Deck 0 XP
    →  Streetwise ••• ••• 6 XP 6 XP
   Knife  →  Switchblade •• 3 XP 9 XP
   Knife  →  Switchblade •• 3 XP 12 XP
   Hard Knocks  →  Hired Muscle 1 XP 13 XP
   Hard Knocks  →  Hired Muscle 1 XP 14 XP
   Leo De Luca  →  Cat Burglar 1 XP 15 XP
   Leo De Luca  →  Cat Burglar 1 XP 16 XP
    →  Charisma ••• 3 XP 19 XP
29 XP Deck 19 XP
 ☆  Liquid Courage  →  Lucky Dice •• 4 XP 23 XP
   Unexpected Courage  →  Sure Gamble ••• 3 XP 26 XP
   Unexpected Courage  →  Sure Gamble ••• 3 XP 29 XP

(View at arkham-starter.com)

☆ : If you made too many mistakes with Searching for Izzie by the time you get to Lucky Dice, you may remove other cards like Lone Wolf instead of Liquid Courage to keep the horror healing.

This deck is front-loaded with powerful cards, so powerful that they are on Taboo list and costs significantly more. If you decided to use Taboo, try go for 6 XP in the 1st scenario if possible to grab that Streetwise. Good luck!

2 Packs Team Compositions

2 Packs Deck Guide : The Dunwich Legacy series is now complete with the following decks :

To help assembling a party made entirely from just 2 packs, I have a tool that let you browse team compositions for 2 players, 3 players, and 4 players, that has manageable amount of card overlaps or even none at all. The result is sorted from low to high overlaps. Click here to see all team comps.


Other than Physical Training you can pretty much take anything... for the sake of beginner friendliness, I choose some extremely generic cards :

How to play (simple!)

  • Streetwise is a very important Backstab enabler. (So basically you pay 5 resources to try 3 damage, not so absurd for Jenny.) They are not so useful before you get 6 XP for Streetwise.
  • Cat Burglar would come later to let you Backstab + Streetwise at 7 , which can win -3 token vs. 4 . This number allows adding Quick Thinking for insurance against -4. If you don't get -4, then you would get the extra action.
  • Use Streetwise to beat Searching for Izzie on difficult location.
  • Hired Muscle is the key card to make Switchblade (2) an unlimited killing machine. (Especially vs. 4 , to get that 2-over.) Otherwise you have to rely on Overpower or Physical Training. Use Quick Thinking to make the most use of hiring cost before sending them to die somewhere.
  • At the point of adding Charisma, we have 4 non-unique () Ally in the deck. This allow stacking the same Ally too, making sure whatever you get you can put down.
  • Sure Gamble usually is a bit hard to use due to its 2 cost. I think they are good fit for Jenny's resources that can make her pass all kind of tests.
  • Lone Wolf is still useful despite Jenny's ability. You will need a lot of resources to use Streetwise, Backstab, Cat Burglar, and Dynamite Blast. (Or her Jenny's Twin .45s.)
  • Sure Gamble can support Switchblade (2) if you want to ensure the 2 damage to finish off an enemy. If you start at 2 over the difficulty only is the problem. If you are 1 over the difficulty, only 0 makes you hit for 1 damage. Good idea to add Quick Thinking in this test as the 2-over criteria is the same.
  • Sometimes the scenario need you to Resign at the goal, yet Searching for Izzie spawns wayyy back when you are so close to the goal. This is when "I'm outta here!" gets serious. I believe that 1 copy is going to be awesome when it mattered. Otherwise, commit for Backstab.
  • This is not going to happen often, but if you are going to Resign with "I'm outta here!", you can use Shortcut to drag enemies away from your team before bailing out, skipping all AoO. This may buy some setup time for your friends while it Hunter back to the party. (It must not be Massive.)

Lucky Dice Tips

Lucky Dice does not say "exhaust", as long as you have 2 more resources you can keep revealing the next one. (Without putting the previous one back to the bag.) Doing so would increase the risk of hitting , however. But it is still a good use of Jenny's resources.

The deck retains all 8 basic skill cards, to go with all-boosting theme of this deck. In the latter half of the campaign, try using their success-draw effect to get to Lucky Dice which is Exceptional, so only 1 copy allowed in the deck.

At the end of upgrade you will have 2x Sure Gamble, which can sometimes combo with Lucky Dice (thematically matched, awesome!) to try passing hopeless test, a test that you intentionally go in at skill value below the difficulty and hope for the flipped negative to win. You can use Lucky Dice until you see high enough minus that you can flip into the required value.

Each 2 resources equals Lucky Dice, Streetwise, or Sure Gamble. Conveniently Jenny gets you 2 resources each round. Think carefully when using them in combination. Sure Gamble is powerful but the other 2 options are reusable.


Apr 10, 2023 mattastrophic · 3071

Hi there!

Having played a deck like this a couple of times, I would like to offer some notes from my experiences.

First, it's hard to afford Talents and Lucky Dice. Even at two resources each upkeep, that's only one Streetwise or Lucky Dice use each round. Perhaps Emergency Caches are in order?

Second, have you considered 41 Derringers or Machetes over Knives?

Third, with this small a cardpool, there is very little action compression to work with. That being said, you've got the big one in Dynamite Blast, which leverages Jenny's ability to pay for expensive things. So on that note, have you looked at Working a Hunch on that money->actions theme?

Apr 10, 2023 mattastrophic · 3071

Also, speaking of action compression, at this point in the cardpool Double or Nothing was kind of important as an enabler for compression. Even though it's Forbidden on the Taboo List in a full-cardpool environment for various reasons, have you had a look at it here?

Apr 10, 2023 5argon · 8001

@mattastrophic Hello! Thanks for comment! Emergency Cache was in the deck but I swap it to Lone Wolf instead due to Shortcut which may steer her away from the team more often, and when doing Searching for Izzie too. Maybe some of the basic skill can became an another Lone Wolf to solve resource problems?

I choose Switchblade (2) over .41 Derringer (2) also due to Shortcut splash, I love when Fast card playing together ignoring AoO all the way. And since I am so fixated on Shortcut now I can't add Machete. (I think she need +2 weapon.)

I completely overlooked Working a Hunch as a card for the riches, yeah. That is definitely interesting with Jenny.

I have not theorycrafted anything with Double or Nothing ever due to its Forbidden status... and it's true there is nothing to fear if I can't break the game with it. Just that I want to keep the theme of these decks consistent that they are universally usable with Taboo and without. (Except with buffs like Lola or Springfield M1903, I made exception that the player should use Taboo for their own sake.)