Rita the Prophet (Deck Guide)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ChrisIsMyMiddleName · 337

Rita Young. We know she can be Crafty (see also my deck built around that card), but did you know she could also be a Prophet?

This deck utilizes Prophetic to get a discount on some of the juicy spells, fortunes and spirits that Rita Young has access to. In general, this deck performs better in lower player counts, while the action compression of repeatable tricks like Pilfer and Cheap Shot will be better in higher player counts.

Upgrades The deck starts off with some weapons, Rita's signature card, her one-of commit and events for fightingand finding clues.

Level 0 alternatives (with thanks to SgtWinter; see also comments):

-.18 Derringer or Meat Cleaver could be replaced if you prefer some other weapon (e.g. Fire Axe).

-"Look what I found!" and Belly of the Beast could be replaced by other clue gathering cards like Pilfer or Breaking and Entering or other cards like Scout Ahead and Trial by Fire, depending on how much clue gathering is needed in your team.

Priority upgrades are

  1. 2x Enchanted Bow, for using your to attack and killing (aloof) enemies on connecting locations.
  2. 2x Peter Sylvestre, for extra sanity soak.
  3. 2x Prophetic, the titular card of the deck. Provides economy boost and boosts your skill value on Enchanted Bow tests.

After that it is more flexible. Some options are listed in the side deck. Especially cards like Trial by Fire and Will to Survive are great cards that make good use of the resource reduction from Prophetic. They provide a boost for those crucial turns.

Some other options (without specific synergy to Prophetic)

-Ace in the Hole to make your power turns with Will to Survive or Trial by Fire last twice as long.

-Unrelenting is always a good card for some card draw or to take some nasty tokens out for a crucial test.

-Drawing Thin is a great economy card that has synergy with the on Track Shoes for action-less resources or card draw

-Dig Deep provides some nice stat boosts every turn.

Thank you for reading, please feel free to leave feedback/comments/suggestions for the deck!


Mar 13, 2022 SgtWinter · 16

I don't know if I miss something, but why is "Look what I found!" a basic Rita card? With 2 there is hardly a chance to reliably (or even occasionally) failing an investigate by only 2.
Ok, Prophetic Rita gets the discount here but apart from this (or paring it with Lucky! - which I believe is a little over the top) I see not so much use of this for her.

Mar 13, 2022 ChrisIsMyMiddleName · 337

Thank you for taking a look at the deck and providing your feedback! Valid point. "Look what I found!" is definitely not the the linchpin of the deck as I find Rita excels more in enemy management than clue gathering, so it can easily be replaced by something else.

The main thing going for it is the discount from Prophetic. I'm not seeing Rita as the main cluever of the team, but I did want to give her some option to get clues herself (besides the minimal clues from Belly of the Beast), and her handslots are full if you go for the Enchanted Bow. There are some 1-2 shroud locations in the majority of scenarios that Rita could go for so the main cluever can move on to more challenging locations.

Because of Prophetic and Easy Mark, her economy should be strong enough to use Pilfer instead and utilize her high that gets boosts from Peter Sylvestre and Track Shoes.

You could also argue going for .18 Derringer instead of Enchanted Bow to have room for an Old Keyring, so you can get clues from up to 4 shroud locations reliably. Though that would depend on how important your monster fighting and clueving are based on team composition and the campaign you're playing.

If you're willing to spend XP on her clueving (which may not even be that necessary depending on team composition; I would at least not see that as a priority) the upgraded version she could get practically guaranteed clues at up to 3 shroud, or with Burn After Reading she can get 2 guaranteed clues and replace some level 0 card by another.

If your cluever is efficient enough, you could just replace it with something else altogether, like Scout Ahead for some extra movement tech or Trial by Fire to do anything at base 5 for a round (Spirit so synergy with Prophetic as well).

Mar 13, 2022 ChrisIsMyMiddleName · 337

Another card I want to mention in that regard is Breaking and Entering that costs 2 (so less than Pilfer), utilizes her , gets you a clue and procs Rita's so also a nice contender for the level 0 slot.

Mar 13, 2022 ChrisIsMyMiddleName · 337

Breaking and Entering is the right link to the card page, apparently I cannot edit comments after posting.

Mar 13, 2022 SgtWinter · 16

Many tanks for your thorough explanations! Breaking and Entering is in my view really a staple for Rita. Pilfer is also quite good, if it's not taken by another Investigartor. Of course neither synergises with Prophetic, so I see why you are not including them here.
Since I am bulding a 9XP standalone Deck for her I was pondering over "Look what I found!". I ended with a kind of hybrid between your Crafty and Prophetic decks (My Rita deck).