Skids O'Toole: Exceptionally Wealthy [Guide]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

clarionx · 231

Breaking The Curse

It's the curse of every Rogue player: You're between scenarios, you've got a decent amount of experience in your pocket, and you flip through your binder looking for upgrades. An Exceptional card catches your eye. That's a powerful effect, and you can afford it. "You'll never draw it," your friend cautions you. What do they know? Eagerly, you slip it out of your collection and into your deck.

And then you never see it again.

This deck is designed to beat the curse of the Exceptional card. And make a ton of money while doing so.

All or Nothing

The deckbuilding rules for alternative, All or Nothing Skids O'Toole might have you thinking he's best suited to build a large deck with between 4 and 6 copies of the best Fortune and Gambit cards in the game. This is a trap. The best part about All or Nothing Skids O'Toole is that he only has to put 25 cards in his deck, and Underworld Support further cuts the deck down to a mere 20 cards. The Exceptional keyword limits cards to one per deck anyhow, so the downside on Underworld Support might as well not be there.

Level 0 - Rapid Wealth

Unfortunately, before we can buy all of our sweet, sweet Exceptional cards and break the curse, we have to get through the first scenario of the campaign. The deck starts as a simple "Big Money" deck. Mulligan for Well Connected in the opening hand, then play your resource generating events, hit up Dario El-Amin for money, and sulk in the corner alone until you get to around 15 resources. With the +3 from Well Connected, you can reliably activate the ability on skids for a profit of 2 resources every turn on Normal difficulty, allowing you to afford various expensive favors to support your fellow investigators while keeping your Hospital Debts in check.

If the other investigators accuse you of being selfish, point to how helpful you are at getting clues with Lockpicks, and if they still say you're not a team player encourage them to play Teamwork so you can prove them wrong - you'll have more than enough money to share, anyway.

Exceptional Upgrades

Hopefully that first scenario went well and your team made out with a fat stack of cards in the Victory display. Now's where the fun begins.

From there, enjoy purchasing as many other Exceptional cards as you like for the remainder of the campaign, safe in the knowledge that you're guaranteed to see them before the scenario ends - they're never more than 18 draws away.

If the other investigators insist you be more of a team player instead of bragging about how Exceptional your cards, and by proxy, you, are, Lucky! (3) and Money Talks (2) are acceptable upgrades.

An upgrade into Well Connected (3) will also make your deck that much more efficient at printing free money with your ability, and Another Day, Another Dollar can help you get started a little quicker. And you might need to grab a Relic Hunter if you go for both the Lucky Dice and The Red Clock.

Have fun being Exceptional, wealthy, and above all, Exceptionally Wealthy


Dec 17, 2021 mattastrophic · 3190

This sort of deck is just screaming for Backpack L2 and Black Market to dig up those Exceptional assets.

Dec 17, 2021 clarionx · 231

@mattastrophic - Backpack feels like overkill since the deck is so small already, but I think Black Market is a pretty inspired choice, as it lets all of your allies get in on the Exceptional card fun.