Paint by Numbers (Sefina Solo)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

quikdraw3 · 1


This deck was constructed to run true solo through the Dunwich campaign. It was built with cards from (2) core sets and everything up through the end of The Forgotten Age cycle. Taboo list was not used as I'm not experienced enough for that to matter.

Card Selection


Dealing with baddies

Shrivelling - 2 damage is never bad. Can dig for it with Arcane Initiate

Clue Gathering

Rite of Seeking - Debating if this is even necessary. Flashlight might be enough to get me through early game until my Lockpicks come in. High resource cost has me on the fence as I want to be burning resources on events.


Holy Rosary for the brain boost primarily. Debated St. Hubert's Key but wanted to keep my assets lower in cost. Arcane Studies for the brain boost. Plan to swap this out early. Arcane Initiate to tutor for The Painted World. Lone Wolf because it is great in true solo especially with a resource hungry Sefina.


Dealing with baddies

Backstab - To deal with the high health baddies. Elusive - Simply incredible. Dodge an enemy and move anywhere. Insane. Storm of Spirits - Debated running this a one of. Probably will by end of campaign. Here to deal with any mobbing that happens. Cheap Shot will probably be swapped out but for now its another event to stash under Sefina.

Clue Gathering

Drawn to the Flame - I don't think I've ever left this out of a purple deck.


Quantum Flux - This should work well with Sefina. Ward of Protection - Another insta include in almost every purple deck. Dodging treachery cards is just too good. Uncage the Soul - Great resource generation. Works with The Painted World as an added bonus. Emergency Cache - I like the idea of having these stashed under Sefina.


Unexpected Courage - All I had room for. Figured I could use Uncage the Soul as a Guts in a pinch. Thought about swapping out Cheap Shot for Manual Dexterity or Guts but wanted the extra event cards.

Upgrade Plan

Early Campaign

Flashlight -> Lockpicks x2; Streetwise x1;

Mid Campaign

Arcane Studies -> Spirit Athame x2; Emergency Cache -> Hot Streak x2; Cheap Shot -> Sure Gamble x2;

Late Campaign

Storm of Spirits -> Ace in the Hole x1;