Independent Faux Seeker Series: Jim (With Jenny)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

FBones · 18697

This deck is part of a new series I'll be publishing: The Independent Faux Seekers Series.

The basic idea is that you might want to give yourself some extra challenge and play a game without any seekers (currently by far the strongest faction). The goal is to provide decks that accomplish two goals:

  • Allow a significant amount of clue finding
  • Allow the investigator to mostly take care of himself or herself

The second point means that these decks could be played solo or as an efficient part of a pair-play. Typically, it is most efficient for investigators to split up because otherwise you have to invest a lot of moves in each of you visiting all the locations.

Because Jim is so flexible, being able to investigate with both or reasonably well, it makes sense to have him adapt to the needs of his partner. This deck is specific to Jenny, and it is compatible with the Jenny Deck of this series if Jenny and Jim split the Machete and Fire Axes.

I think Jenny makes for the most challenging investigator to team up with as Jim, beyond those that are just incompatible. Jenny really needs Dr. Milan Christopher, but it also makes sense for Jenny to have Lone Wolf because it is in faction for her. That means Jim can really be low on resources.

The proposed play of this deck is similar to the Jim-with-Milan version, except with Dark Horse trying to take the place of Dr. Milan Christopher.

Key upgrades are Grotesque Statue and probably Jewel of Aureolus to help Jim's very poor economy. Jim might even want to go for Relic Hunter so he can have both Jewel of Aureolus and Holy Rosary out at the same time, or 2x Holy Rosary.

Jim should consider replacing Fire Axe with Song of the Dead and then grabbing a second Scavenging once he has his Grotesque Statues. Note that Grotesque Statue nearly doubles the chance of Jim doing triple damage with Song of the Dead.