MarkGyver (solo)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

simongeorges · 241

Of course, the name comes from the Improvised Weapon addition, and MarkGyver only works solo, even if this time his famous knife isn't there.

Reasons behind the cards

The deck is really regular and consistent. I'm just wondering :

  • Is Elusive an auto-include for Mark?
  • Is there a slot for something like Dynamite Blast?
  • Is Improvised Weapon really useful (sure, the name of the deck comes from the card, but in my NotZ tests, I almost never used it…) or should I replace it with Prepared for the Worst to be even more consistent?

Suggested upgrades

For a multiplayer version

Considering you probably won't investigate, you can mutate into a tank by replacing something like Flashlight, Evidence!, Scene of the Crime & Improvised Weapon by any amongst Survival Knife, True Grit, Dodge, "Let me handle this!" or On the Hunt.


Jul 01, 2018 CaiusDrewart · 3093

It's really neat that Scene of the Crime makes a solo Mark deck so much for possible.

I don't get the point of Improvised Weapon for Mark. For good reason, every Mark deck has plenty of weapons (this one included), and using Improvised Weapon is simply inferior to attacking with Machete or .32 Colt. And a card with no icons that is often completely redundant with the cards you have in play seems bad. Maybe add Perception instead?

Jul 02, 2018 simongeorges · 241

@CaiusDrewart It was actually a try to be able to deal "+1 damage" even with an empty colt. But you're right, the card is actually almost useless in this deck.

It just makes for a great deck title ;-)

But I will remove it, probably for something like :

I think I don't need Perception, since Sophie's Power eventually provides it, but it's definitely possible, to makes clue finding more consistent (on my NotZ test campaign, I didn't have any issue to find clues, it was more the fighting side that was lacking punch).