Dick Tracy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

cueing · 2

Soloing Carcosa . Good Allrounder for Solo. Updates coming soon. Feedback Welcome.


Jun 30, 2018 The_Wall · 286

I'm not sold on Hyperawareness nor Physical Training for Roland because he frankly struggles with resources at 0 XP and those assets compound that issue. I'm not even convinced I'd bother with the 0 cost versions from Return to NoZ.

You're already using Art Student and Working a Hunch to auto-clue, but you could go even deeper and pick up Scene of the Crime and possibly Flashlight. Between those and your ability you will never need to actually investigate unless you are automatically succeeding by reducing the shroud to 0. This in turn means you don't need to waste time and tempo setting up and digging for enemies with On the Hunt.

Roland's main weakness is his low sanity. Many builds rely on allies to mitigate this. Since you may want to upgrade to Beat Cop (2)s anyway, I'd throw in Calling in Favors because it lets you recycle your ally abilities and gives a fair bit more horror soak in the long run. Likewise Logical Reasoning is highly rated in Roland both for its but also for its ability to get rid of terrors that are hard to shift and hamper your action economy.

Finally, unless you have a specific plan for those .45s, you might be better served replacing them with a Survival Knife and a Prepared for the Worst. The former is a great backup weapon and the latter serves to help preserve your weapon ratio whilst later on in the campaign digging for snacky things like Lightning Gun or Shotgun.

Hopefully you find this alternative perspective to be valuable. ^_^