Daisy Walker, who needs more than 2 arcane slots?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

spoth3d · 4

First thing first: Daisy Walker is my favorite investigator bar none, and I love how the expanding card pool has taken her to new heights.

When I saw Mists of R'lyeh, it occured to me that with this card, you had arcane slot using spells that used Will instead of Fight/Intelligence/Agility. However you only have 2 arcane slots.

Well if any spell caster didn't need help with one of those that's Daisy Walker. She can do all her clue gathering with her 5 intellect and Seeker Cards.

She also doesn't have the economy problem that mystics often have if she can get Dr. Milan Christopher out early.


Obviously Higher Education is a top priority. With her strong economy plus this she can pump her spell casting to respectable levels.

If you were any other seekers or mystic, you'd consider upgrading your magnifying glass or getting the Spirit Athame. However Encyclopedia handles all 4 skills and does so for an entire round of actions. Replace the Magnifying Glass completely with them.

Definitely want to get level 2 Deduction if you playing 3 to 4 player groups.

After that consider upgraded Shortcut, Ward of Protection, and other high level seeker cards.

Mulligan Strategy in order of importance:

  1. Old Book of Lore for that tasty filtered card draw. If not this then Research Librarian.
  2. Dr. Milan Christopher for obvious economy reasons.
  3. Shrivelling or Mists of R'lyeh for enemy management.
  4. Emergency Cache because your setup isn't cheap. Alternatively Unearth the Ancients or Uncage the Soul.
  5. St. Hubert's Key or Magnifying Glass.

My last tweak to this deck was to remove 2 copies of Preposterous Sketches in favor of Uncage the Soul and Unearth the Ancients. I thought that Old Book of Lore gives us enough card draw to keep our options open and our Higher Education readied. However to make best use of Higher Education we need resources so why not add in those two cards.

Besides, while I can imagine finding an Encylopedia or Old Book of Lore somewhere, finding Dr. Milan really tickles my fancy.

However those cards could be swapped out if need be.

Also Logical Reasoning could be swapped, I have it in here as a support card for other investigators primarily.