Powerful Lyrics Marie|20k Series|Deck Guide

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Valentin1331 · 64302

Marie uses the Power of her lyrics to tame enemies and rally to her cause Dogs and Fans.


Credit: Toni Foti


Marie Lambeau was the most asked investigator by the community for continuing this deck series, so here she is!

She was really well served by The Scarlet Keys expansion, so it was more than time time for a revisit of the least liked investigator of the game!

This series is a celebration of the 20k points on ArkhamDB to thank you all for all the support received.
I will release a new standalone-ready deck concept every week on Friday for the following months, so stay tuned and keep pressing the button if you want to see more!

Let me know which investigators you would like to see next in the comment!

Table of Contents:

  • Overview

  • Main Strategy

  • The Power of Words

  • Deal with the Doom

  • Other Cards

  • Upgrade Path

  • Make Your Own Deck!


Difficulty: ★★★★★
Enemy Management: ★★★☆☆
Clue-getting: ★★★★★
Encounter protection: ★★★★☆
Survivability: ★★★★★
Economy: ★★★☆☆
Card Drawing: ★★★☆☆

Main Strategy:

The Power of Words:

As Power Word is a Spell and has an , you can use Marie's ability to activate it.

Powerful Lyrics:

  • Cower will be the most used command. While using it, enemies exhaust (so no AoO or attack during the enemy phase) but do not disengage from you, meaning that they will keep following you wherever you go.

    • The consequence of this is that as long as you keep your attached enemies at your location, you need to start each turn by giving the Cower command, to prevent AoO from any other action you'd take.
  • Confess is our second favourite option. This will make Marie a strong cluever as long as she starts her turn on a location with clues or with a shroud lower or equal to most of the attached enemies' health.

  • Mercy is our backup option for the following situations: you start your turn on a location without clues, or your puppets have a health value lower than the location's shroud.

    • We will purchase Soul Sanctification early to store all the overheal as Unexpected Courages, which is especially convenient for the situation when the shroud is high.

    • The heal is also very appreciated as compensation for the impact that Baron Samedi can have on your team.

  • Betray is the last option that is possible. It is interesting to have 4 useful commands for the following situation: you start at a location with no clues/high shroud, you then give the 2 commands Cower and Mercy, and after moving to another location, you want to use the command Confess to collect clues. In this situation, Betray can be a nice second command to weaken the enemies in case you want to kill them at the end of the scenario (for instance to collect victory points).

Songs That Can Move Crowds:

  • Tonguetwister will allow you to give commands 2 by 2. This is really what will enable the build as you will then be able to give both Cower and Confess or Mercy commands.

  • Thrice Spoken is our second bigger upgrade. With it, you'll keep 3 enemies under your spell at all times, which will execute together whatever command you give to one. If the shroud allows it, this means that you can collect 3 clues testless using your ability's action.

    • This is even stronger in 3-4 as this means that the 3 enemies under your spell will not be re-shuffled, and this will lift some weight on your fighters, to focus on some clue support.

Deal with Doom:

To use your ability on Power Word, you need to maintain at least one doom in play most time.

Add Doom:

Safety Nets:

  • Ghastly Possession can help remove a doom from Dowsing Rod if need be.

  • Moonlight Ritual can be played with Marie's ability and is here in case you are trying to doom out Baron Samedi and, for instance, Mysterious Chanting ruins your timing.

    • Later, we upgrade to Moonlight Ritual (2) to gain fast and, most importantly, clean whatever card was doomed instead (including locations), so you can keep proceeding with getting rid of Baron Samedi.
  • Mystifying Song is another safety net in case you do not have other choices than advancing and you want to buy more time.

    • Having another round at the witching hour can be really interesting for a team. It gives 3 additional actions per investigator and helps benefit from every doom mechanic like Blood Pact, and Fickle Fortune for another round.
  • Ward of Protection upgraded to level 2 to cover your team is your last safety net against unforeseen doom.

Other Cards:

Upgrade Path:

Link to the 0xp deck

 Cost  Total
Core Upgrades 0 XP
   Enraptured  →  ☑ Mercy 1 XP 1 XP
   Enraptured  →  ☑ Confess 1 XP 2 XP
   Power Word    ☑☑☑ Tonguetwister 3 XP 5 XP
   Promise of Power  →  ☑☑☑ Thrice Spoken 3 XP 8 XP
   Power Word    ☑ Betray 1 XP 9 XP
    →  Charisma ••• 3 XP 12 XP
    →  Soul Sanctification ••• 6 XP 18 XP
Improve consistency 18 XP
   Manual Dexterity  →  Parallel Fates •• 2 XP 20 XP
   Manual Dexterity  →  Parallel Fates •• 2 XP 22 XP
   Ethereal Form  →  Foresight 1 XP 23 XP
   Ethereal Form  →  Foresight 1 XP 24 XP
   Perception  →  Summoned Hound 1 XP 25 XP
   Perception  →  Summoned Hound 1 XP 26 XP
    →  Charisma ••• 3 XP 29 XP
Arcane Research Options 29 XP
   Read the Signs  →  Ghastly Possession 1 XP 30 XP
   Read the Signs  →  Ghastly Possession 1 XP 31 XP
   Alchemical Transmutation    Alchemical Transmutation •• 2 XP 33 XP
   Alchemical Transmutation    Alchemical Transmutation •• 2 XP 35 XP
   Ward of Protection    Ward of Protection •• 2 XP 37 XP
   Ward of Protection    Ward of Protection •• 2 XP 39 XP
   Moonlight Ritual    Moonlight Ritual •• 2 XP 41 XP
   Moonlight Ritual    Moonlight Ritual •• 2 XP 43 XP

(View at arkham-starter.com)

Link to the full xp deck

To create your own guides, find the template I have created here


Feb 11, 2023 HarrisonF · 158

This is similar to a deck I played through with:


I leaned more into Astronomical Atlas to be able to get more value out of Ghastly Possession and Deduction. Ghastly Revelation with Divination is very unfair feeling.

I love this build!

Feb 11, 2023 AngryToaster · 1

Seems like a really fun deck! Definitely going to try this out in my upcoming campaign.

Feb 16, 2023 mattastrophic · 3178

So Marie is the least-liked investigator, you found? Just like with Lola, I'm already on the case... arkhamdb.com

Mar 07, 2023 FlarkeFiasco · 1

Great build! Going to use it in my upcoming 3p scarlet keys run for our flex investigator.

One question I have-- why is the read the signs -> ghastly revelation under the arcane research section. This isn't an upgrade, even though it is switching from a spell to a spell. I believe "upgrade" has to mean the same card, by name.

Mar 18, 2023 Sacae · 1

Super interesting deck!

One question though... In the upgrade path, why does it look like you're removing the 2 copies of enraptured to add upgrades to power word? You shouldn't need to remove cards to add check boxes to power word right? (thrice spoken being the exception since it actually does add another card to the deck)

Apr 04, 2023 cabalpaxiarch · 113

Very interesting deck. Can't wait to experiment with it. Are you sure sin-eater wouldn't be a better option though, instead of soul sanctification? Seems like it could do wonders for the whole doom manipulation thing.

Jun 25, 2023 EuroPaul · 1

Great deck as always :)

Your upgrade path has some errors, however. The 0XP version has only 1 copy of Ethereal Form instead of 2 and doesn't contain Promise of Power. Instead the 0XP version has 2 Guts which don't get upgraded from, but disappear in the full XP version. Oh, and the upgrades to Ghastly Possession don't fit in its category.