What if Myths's phase are just a social construct?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kalín · 200

The Idea

This deck come up to answer one simple question... how much can we ignore the mythos phase? In the very first moment my mind go to the obvious choice; The Cancel Queen but why just cancel cards when you can Ignore the draw phase and why should I stop there? why not to prevent the agenda to advance? why not just Burn the freaking Agenda!?

So I haved a Déjà Vu about Stella Clark but... the idea seems a little bit rusty to me... a lot of XP to work.

Then, a divine inspiration come to me, Hallow a bit more expensive in resources and experience than Burn After reading, but with a far much synergy with A Watchful Peace and any bless deck... so the final choice was obvious, Father Mateo has access to both cards, to a good bless-typed pool cards and to the very best recycle engine in the game Shrine of the Moirai AND starts with extra XP to pay for all of this toys.

And here we are.

The Plan

Fill the chaos bag with :

Waste those tokens

Protect yourself and your allys

Tricky Plays

The Future

The Dream Team

If you can go along with everyone's favorite nun you never run out of and she also has access to Hallow so... pretty good pairing.


Dec 12, 2022 Wittebaard · 319

Such a fun and weird deck. Did you actually run it already? If so, how did it play?

Dec 12, 2022 Kalín · 200

@Wittebaard I haven't been able to test it yet. In fact I'm still spinning some cards, like Hallowed Chalice instead of Scrying Mirror to heal yourself after using Spirit of Humanity.

But if you play it I will be grateful to know how it has gone and what you would change.

Dec 14, 2022 andreasskovse · 13

How about some Stargazing to go along? It's no problem drawing encounter cards The Stars Are Right.

Dec 15, 2022 Kalín · 200

@andreasskovse Actually that's a good idea. But I think that is more for the mid term, because you have to priorice other upgrades to have more consistency. What do you think about Sacred Covenant to don't waste ?

Dec 18, 2022 The Nazgul · 1

This deck is absolutely brilliant. I love it and will be playing a version of it for my first Scarlett Keys run. As I was theory crafting I came up with a few suggestions for you. Your current version has no way to gain resources and some very expensive assets, I think you should consider including Voice of Ra, as it synergises really well with the deck, especially with Olive McBride. Also Ritual Candles makes a great hand asset that will very consistently net you a +1 to skill tests. And I think it is worth replacing Holy Rosary with Crystal Pendulum, as premonition and Scrying Mirror give you so much ability to know what the outcome of the test will be, you will get a lot of extra card draw.

Well done on the concept! It inspired me to spend many hours theory crafting myself.

Dec 19, 2022 Kalín · 200

@The Nazgul first of all, thanks I feel flattered. And yeah, maybe some resource-generation-system could be necesary. I don't think the Crystal pendulum is the best option because Holy Rosary allows you to generate more since you have a lot of waste with Hallow and A Watchful Peace. Anyways, if you make your own version I want to see and to know how it works. I will try this one (with the sugestions that you all give me) ASAP and tell you how it works.

Dec 20, 2022 herrerodani · 1

Hello! Amazing deck, I think Blessed Blade would be a good inclusion for generation. Also, there is no enough generation to make Armageddon and The Eye of Chaos viable.

Dec 21, 2022 Kalín · 200

@herrerodani Having a base of 4 I thought that is better to go with spells rather than weapons, and keep hands free to other assets.

Also, how more generations can we add? you have Promise of Power, Priest of Two Faiths, Tempt Fate and in a closer future, the healing effect of Spirit of Humanity.

That reminds me, @The Nazgul, what do you think about Sign Magick? It gives extra spell slot, and with the chaos bag control is pretty possible to triger it.

Dec 21, 2022 The Nazgul · 1

@Kalín I thought about Sign Magick but your hand slots are already quite contested. I definitely think it's a direction you can go, but I wanted to look at eventually getting Eye of the Djinn so hand slots are quite valuable, especially since I also use Ritual Candles.

What would you want to put in the extra Arcane slot?

Dec 22, 2022 Kalín · 200

@The Nazgul Maybe the Spirit of Humanity, then you can go with all your spells.

Jan 08, 2023 wizj619 · 1

Had a friend net deck this. He'd never played Mystic before. Never dealt with curses or blessings before.

The light sort of faded from his eyes the first time he played "A Watchful Peace" and we told him it had been tabooed to RFG.

He called "Even" on Prescient because he thought that covered both blessing and curses and didn't read that he could name symbols.

He didn't read any of the comments for useful modifications like Ritual Candles.

His spells ran out of charges so fast because he didn't have the skill value to actually pass if he drew a curse and he didn't play any backup spells because they decklist didn't have any.

He also didn't realize until the end of the 4 scenario campaign that Mateo's Once Per Game ability is Once per Scenario, not Once Per Campaign.

He tried so hard to make it work with Eye of the Djinn, Paradoxical Convenant, favor of the Sun, Favor of the moon. Holy Rosary exp, Eucatastrophe, Spirit of Humanity etc but it is pretty much the most base evade actions I've ever seen a Mystic Deck take in my life. It wasn't even worth helping him out most of the time because, even if we dealt with his enemies, the only other actions he could take were just base investigates.

It was honestly like playing 3 investigators with 4 player settings.

Alot of that is on my friend for being an idiot but I don't think correct play and playing untabooed would have fixed some of the issues he experienced. As others have mentioned, it's hard to go infinite on the Armegeddon and Eye of Chaos spells and the decklist doesn't have alot of options when they inevitably run out of charges.

If you just want someone who can infinitely generate curses and blesses and try to recycle watchful peace and hallowed, I imagine the deck can do that. The clueing and enemy management capabilities of the deck is somewhat lack luster though.