Jenny Barnes - Succeed by X, where X is "Spending Resources"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Assussanni · 581

Jenny has so far been my favourite solo investigator for the sheer versatility and stacks of cash that she offers. Not having played her since The Forgotten Age I thought I'd take a look to see if anything has changed for her.

This is a fairly level 0 "succeed by X" deck with the flexibility to upgrade either towards combat, with cards such as .41 Derringer, Sawed-Off Shotgun and optionally Sharpshooter or focus more on evasion with Slip Away, Manual Dexterity and maybe Opportunist or Stealth. Lockpicks, Tristan Botley and the newly released Knight of Swords are generically good no matter which path you choose.

This isn't necessarily a deck that looks to stockpile resources, hence no Well Connected, but rather spend resources on events and boosters to pass whatever test happens to be the most pressing at the time.


Jul 04, 2021 OzValdo · 677

Does Leo really fit here? How do u keep afloat if u don’t draw lone wolf early? I think it needs more $$ cards