Powerful Detective

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Knight · 1

This JOE is a very powerful detective rather than a good monster hunter. You'll need your friend to deal with some terrible monster. I played this with a . Use the Hawk-Eye Folding Camera and Magnifying Glass to investigate. Make sure you'll have Dr. Milan Christopher as quick as you can. Using this Deck you'll have more resource than you think, use them by to Higher Education pass the test(especially the). Put on the Bandolier to make sure you can use Enchanted Blade as well as two tools mentioned forward. Do not put "I've got a plan!" in your hunch deck, you must make sure you can play this card at the time you need. The hunch deck I suggest is: 2xWorking a Hunch 2xNo Stone Unturned 2xCryptic Research 2xSeeking Answers 2xCryptic Writings.