Minh Thi Phan low cost (support)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jacque_stampunk · 3

The idea here is have as much 0 -1 cost stuff as possible. One of the more difficult things until you upgrade and have Higher Education is having no resources to trigger Dark Horse. I think my upgrade path here is as follows:

Higher Education Cryptic Research for No Stone Unturned Magnifying Glass lvl1for Magnifying Glass lvl0 Deduction lvl2 for Deduction lvl0

Scavenging and Resourceful help you get Lanterns and Knifes back.

Mihn with a Fire Axe in hand and Dark Horse on the board and a resource going into the gator phase is a 5 combat before pitching cards and that is pretty good for someone not meant to fight things really.

Any thoughts would be welcomed. I have yet to play this but when I finish up Dunwhich this is the build I am thinking. (be kind I am not a great builder)