How Finnteresting, Urusla (Forgotten Age, Blind)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

bigstupidgrin · 83

(note: as of publish date, I currently don't have access to cards from: The City of Archives, The Depths of Yoth, Shattered Aeons, anything from The Circle of Undone, and any "Return to" sets)

First attempt at both Finn and Forgotten Age. Playing with Ursula Downs; I expect Finn's role will be enemy management first, then sprinting to the finish line/extra VP with our combined clue-gathering ability second. Because I have a tendency to include too many single copies of cute cards, I'm trying a 2x only build (at least at 0XP). No Leo De Luca is a bit odd for me as well. Peter Sylvestre is far and away his best 0XP ally in my opinion. I don't want to mess with Leo then draw a Peter. The deck is really lean as far as costs go so that I can really use Hard Knocks and later Streetwise and Lola Santiago when I need to. For the moment I'm counting on events like Backstab and Sneak Attack to help with difficult enemies. I plan on transitioning from this to Lupara and maybe Chicago Typewriter.

Hardest cuts/includes: I wanted to play with the succeed-by-2 cards like Quick Thinking Daring Maneuver, maybe even Double or Nothing. I already have .41 Derringer and Lucky Cigarette Case with those bonuses. If I wasn't willingly playing blind maybe that would work? If I removed my "only 2x includes" I have one more Survivor/Seeker splash card. Was thinking of Take Heart as a cheeky way to profit off of willpower tests.

I debated between Sneak Attack and "Watch this!". I could see myself making the switch with Adaptable after I buy some better weapons. Sleight of Hand feels really situational, but very powerful in those situations. It will also have a bigger role as I purchase better weapons. Backpack currently finds 8 cards in the deck (incuding both signatures) which makes it tempting.

As for upgrading: Lockpicks, Streetwise, and probably Adaptable are the priorities. At the very least with adaptable I'll be finding room for "Watch this!". After that, Lola Santiago and Lupara. Sure Gamble, upgrading the .41 Derringer, and Chicago Typewriter are last. As always, Elder Sign Amulet and Bulletproof Vest will be kept in mind. Maybe upgraded Pickpocketing?

All suggestions are welcome. We've been on a break from this game, so it's completely reasonable that I missed something. I am playing blind, so I'd rather get blindsided then spoiled.


Feb 01, 2019 shadowari · 2

I feel that pickpocketing ** would also be a high priority upgrade, as you can easily turn it into a resource machine, helping fuel Lola.

Have you also considered Trench Coat?

Feb 01, 2019 bigstupidgrin · 83

@shadowaritotally forgot about upgraded pickpocketing, as well as Fence, thanks. I'm hoping that skill icons/Hard Knocks will help me more than Trench Coat, but I did consider it. Would help to have a damage soak.