Tyrannosaurus Murphy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spuddddddd · 118

Roar. Here he is. Tiny claw arms flailing, sharp teeth glistening, tubby entomologist tucked into back pocket.

T-Rex is packing all manner of shenanigans: Inquiring Mind to help score those gigantic wins (and then draw tentacles), Hyperawareness to boost his intellect even further (and then draw tentacles), or just plain flashlight (tentacles).

But will it pay off? Will his shrewd analysis of the strange solutions give him a fistful of weird chems in round 2? Will he manage to combo Quick Thinking, Daring Maneuver, Burglary and Opportunist (and then draw the tentacles)? Will he throw his fellow investigators under a bus and play Delve Too Deep at the worst possible moment ("To hell with you guys, Rexy needs upgrades!")

Only time will tell.


Dec 30, 2018 whassa · 1

Dec 30, 2018 Spuddddddd · 118

Those jaws look perfect for chewing through clues.

Dec 30, 2018 whassa · 1

I swear that promo card protect you from the tentacles :)

Dec 30, 2018 mythosmeeple · 448

Thanks to Rex's awesome Elder Sign ability you can draw the best token in the bag, choose to autofail and then bonus draw into both Rex's Curse and his basic weakness in one Tyrannosaur-sized disaster. Hopefully the third card will be Delve Too Deep. Then the real fun can begin.

p.s. deck good

Dec 30, 2018 Spuddddddd · 118

Classic Rex - snatching defeat from the jaws of victory since 2016.