Joe Mama - Play as Support

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ichinokata00 · 559

A Joe Mama deck that supports the team with-
1.)Testless Damage(Blood-Rite, Ancient Stone)
2.)Lowering Shroud Value(Map the Area, Breach the Door
3.)A bit of Healing(Hallowed Mirror)
4.)Skill Cards Commit(Practice Makes Perfect, Practiced cards)
5.)Extra Action(Guidance)
6.)Card Draw*(Cryptic Research, No Stone Unturned,Thorough Inquiry)

*Make sure you have at least 8 cards in your hand first so you can use Farsight and the The World • XXI.

Farsight, then two Cryptic Research. Everything else depends on the campaign, team lineup, etc. In most cases, I would get The World • XXI and Studious, then the testless damage cards.

Hunch Deck:
1x Unsolved Case
1x Thorough Inquiry
1x Glimpse the Unthinkable
2x Working a Hunch
2x Preposterous Sketches
2x Breach the Door
2x No Stone Unturned