Ultimate murderhobo Suzi with swords : 415 actions

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Emmental · 120

Every will get you one card from the devoured ones, so no need to bother with how to draw your deck or hand size issues.

Assume your are playing a scenario in which you can evade any number of times an ennemy without having to exhaust and disengage from it (for example Atlach-Nacha).

Starting board :

Katana in your hands, .41 Derringer in the Quickdraw Holster
Borrowed Time and Summoned Servitor in arcane slots
– charged The Red Clock around your neck
Joey "The Rat" Vigil in ally slot and Ace of Rods in tarot
– slotless Old Book of Lore with The Raven Quill
Dirty Fighting and Shrine of the Moirai on your location
– chaos bag filled with with 10 and 10 $curses

3 base actions +3 with Borrowed Time +2 with red clock

Use Summoned Servitor to fail 2 tests
Katana and fail, fail another 2 times with Galvanize → +2 (fight) actions
Derringer attack with Holster and Quick Thinking → +2 actions
replace holster with Bandolier, clock with Police Badge ×2 then Eon Chart, add Butterfly Swords, Bandolier, Eye of the Djinn and The Black Fan → +5 actions

10 times with butterfly swords and Eye of the Djinn, fishing and every time for 10 more actions → +20 tests failed

Ace of Rods → +1 actions
Knowledge is Power your Old Book of Lore to play Ever Vigilant, playing Blur, Double, Double [...]

[...], second Blur and Close the Circle.

Close the Circle to play Rite of Equilibrium to resplenish bag, add Tempt Fate. → +26 tests failed
Exhaust Shrine of the Moirai to get Rite of equilibrium and Tempt fate back
-1 action to play Rite of equilibirum, but another 13 activations of the swords and 26 attacks failed

Knowledge is Power your Old Book of Lore to play second Rite of Equilibrium, use Raven Quill to ready Shrine of the moirai
-1 action to play Rite of equilibirum, but another 13 activations of the swords and 26 attacks failed
Used Suzi's ability to devour Shrine of the Moirai and Regurgitate it.
-1 action to play Shrine, exhaust to get Rite of equilibrium and Tempt fate back
-1 action to play Rite of equilibirum, but another 13 activations of the swords and 26 attacks failed

-1 action draw Reality Acid (-3 and devour Shrine). -2 actions to tegurgitate Shrine, play it, get your blurses back → +10 net actions → You have 3 weaknesses (you are not limited by Regurgitation because you can use ), so you can repeat this 2 more times → +20 net actions

Empty Blur → +2 net actions
Eon Chart → +4 failed tests

Eidetic Memory a Knowledge is Power on OBoL and play second Ever Vigilant, targetting second Close the Circle, Haste and second Ace of Rods → +2 actions
Ace in the Hole, Swift Reflexes, End of the Road drawing At a Crossroads when empty handed : +9 actions

→ You have 30 actions left

Activate Butterfly Swords 28 times and play Flurry of Blows → 64 failed tests

Instead of ending your turn, play Lifeline. You took 151 actions, and failed 259 tests (let it be 264 if you draw 5 treacheries with Shrine of the Moirai activations), that's another 264 actions.

Total actions in turn : 415

Dang, just replace Swift Reflexes and Galvanize with Calculated Risk and Helping Hand and you can test at +800