Zoey the Battlemage

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Zoey the Battlemage v2 15 7 5 2.0

Zorak · 514

So this is my SOLO deck for Zoey, you can fight like a champ, search like a seeker and beat most of the scenarios solo.

For ally slot I picked Beat Cop for 2 reasons - extra sanity + .

For fighting you have quite a lot of options, Machete is your main weapon but if you engage more than one 2 or more health enemy you can use .45 Automatic. Also Vicious Blow and Overpower will help when bad luck stops you from getting Machete or .45 Automatic

Clues are important so in this build you have quite a lot of options, the best way is to abuse her high and use Rite of Seeking, unlike Flashlight it dont take your hand slot. Evidence!,Drawn to the Flame and "Look what I found!" are to increase your clue gathering chances from the start. With Perception you have now 8 cards in the deck for clue serching. In solo mode is more than you need.

Zoey have nice resource gathering rate, so Physical Training is a no brainer for her - you can pump your or for Rite of Seeking

The weak point in this deck is when more than 1 enemy will show at the same time. You have Dodge Unexpected Courage and First Aidto help you in those situations. Also test are a bit of pain but you can live with it :)

In short you are wery strong at killing and gathering clues wich are most important things to solo beat any scenario.

UPGRADES Warning you fill find minor spoilers here 1) Beat Cop is a nice pick

2) Police Badge: for Rite of Seeking and extra actions that you will need fighting the last boss from 3rd scenario

3) Shotgun: to deal with last boss

4) Extra Ammunition for the shotgun

THINGS TO CHANGEe if you like

If you want more fighting than clue gathering in her deck you can think about replacing "Look what I found!" with Shrivelling.

Also replacing "Look what I found!" and Perception with a Flashlight is interesting . Flashlight is great in single clue locations with shroud value 1 or 2 so zou dont waste charge on Rite of Seeking or Drawn to the Flame

enjoy !


Feb 07, 2017 Shagrat · 37

You use a lot of expensive cards, the gun, cop, rite of seeking AND then the physical training. Are two copies of Emergency cache enough to cover the resource curve, or do you often find yourself spending an action to get a resource?

Feb 07, 2017 Zorak · 514

@Shagrat Hey !

1st - Zoey gets extra resource when she become engaged.

2nd - You dont need to play all those cards. A good deck cant rely on 1 or 2 cards, so in this deck you have many cards that help you with fighting monsters (like Machete or .45 Automatic), you will find cards that help you with clues and with her sanity.

At start you need 1 weapon card and 1 or 2 clue related card.

Feb 08, 2017 Wrathburn · 3138

Looks like a fun deck. I'll give it a run this week.