Roland Banks - Core Set + Dunwich Legacy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SmileyVandal · 34

Here is my deck for Roland Banks, post Dunwich Legacy. I basically took my Core Set only deck and integrated the new cards into it, thus making a few replacements. I replaced one of my copies of the .45 Automatic with Prepared for the Worst, as the latter is a very nice consistency card that allows you to search through a chunk of your deck for a weapon, which in turn helps you get to the Machete more easily, arguably the best weapon at your disposal at level 0. If playing through the Dunwich Legacy campaign however, I would most likely replace either Dynamite Blast or Prepared for the Worst itself for a second copy of the .45 Automatic, as firearms are very good to have to deal with certain enemies, namely the Avian Thrall and Conglomeration of Spheres. I then replaced Evidence! with Shortcut. Evidence! is a little redundant as our reaction trigger essentially does the same thing, and Shortcut is amazing to move around the map while sparing actions that you would like to use for fighting and investigating instead. And then finally i replaced Unexpected Courage with Inquiring Mind, as with Roland you want to be on locations that have clues anyway, so the card is active more often than not.

As for other cards that didn't make the cut but are still interesting, what do we have ? Bandolier can be alright as you do have a lot of different assets, and it can allow you to have for example the Flashlight, Magnifying Glass and Machete altogether, so you can have the best of both worlds. Only issue is that you do need to have a pretty specific combination of assets for it to be any useful, so it is a bit too situational for my taste. Emergency Aid is actually pretty awesome, as you can use it not only to heal yourself or a teammate, but also to heal your allies. This is very good for the level 2 Beat Cop, so you can use his ability more times before he dies, and also very nice for the Guard Dog and then Brother Xavier, so they can tank for you for longer. Unfortunately I just don't have the space for it but I would definitely include it if I could. Art Student, Laboratory Assistant and Dr. William T. Maleson are all pretty neat allies to have, especially Maleson as he can help you avoid harsh treacheries that might deal horror to you while keeping cards like Roland's .38 Special and Inquiring Mind active. Unfortunately I just find the current allies I have to be more important, although I guess replacing the Guard Dog by one of those three wouldn't be so bad ? "If it bleeds..." is another card that can help you deal with your low sanity, although the card is definitely situational, and i think you're better off just using cards that allow you to get clues so you can finish the scenario asap rather than a small heal, although my reasoning could be wrong of course. Leadership is also interesting, I think it's a nice card to include in your deck if you play with a mystic or an investigator with low willpower like "Skids" O'Toole, they will definitely love that +3 willpower. Otherwise I wouldn't use that card, my main issue with it is that it's a purely supportive card, you don't really get anything off of it, and if used on yourself it's pretty much a worse Unexpected Courage.

As for the upgrades you can refer to the side deck, although I'd say you should definitely prioritize the Beat Cop and Charisma. Brother Xavier gives you everything you want, boosts your willpower to help you deal with treacheries, tanks for everyone (that 3 sanity will definitely help you especially), and deals good damage upon dying, amazing card. "I've had worse…" and Police Badge will help you stay alive as well, while giving side bonuses like good resource income or additional actions. Stand Together is a very nice multiplayer card, your teammate will love you. Vicious Blow is pretty fantastic, combine this with Lightning Gun and you can be an absolute killing machine if needed. Both cards are excellent to deal with bosses, although you might want to have Extra Ammunition as well since the Lightning Gun doesn't have a lot of ammo. Pathfinder is a pretty straight forward upgrade to Shortcut and is simply fantastic, and Deduction, although I would say low priority, is amazing if you have a seeker with you.

And that's it, please don't hesitate to give feedback if you think the deck can be improved in any way, as I am fairly new to the game so maybe my reasoning is wrong on certain things. Thank you if you've read all this, and have a good day