Sefina Rousseau - Double Curse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ZachsFisher · 51

This Sefina deck is a combat oriented deck built around the Double, Double (DD) and String of Curses combo. The combo will essentially discard any non-elite enemy while also granting a clue for the low cost of one card and a resource, and no test is required.

Consistency and recursion will be our game plan to pull off our main combo as often as possible. (note: unfortunately this combo can't be done using The Painted World, as it removes itself from the game before DD can copy it.) Friends in Low Places is going to be our way to find DD. I like the "clever" upgrade as it essentially allows you to avoid the extra resource to draw what is already our most expensive card, or you can just reshuffle if you don't see it and hope for better odds. As an additional target for FILP we have Haste, which when added into our combo, will grant us another play action. Lucid Dreaming is another important tutor card that will grab our second copy of String of Curses, or you can DD a Lucid Dreaming to get two copies of Three Aces.

Prescient will allow us to grab back String of Curses from our discard, and we don't want to take any chances here, so we can play Premonition to guarantee it activates. Additionally, when using Prescient for recursion, we can use Eldritch Inspiration to grab two spells from our discard, and we can even DD the Eldritch Inspiration(1) to grab a third spell if it is ready. Quantum Flux is another form of recursion. If we use it after playing our String of Curses, we can shuffle them back into our deck to see them again without the need to cycle our entire deck. This also pads our deck against Stars of Hyades, which we would prefer not to see.

This deck will easily want to play 2-3 cards from hand each turn, so we need the additional card draw from Arcane Initiate to keep our hand stocked with cards to play. FILP with the "clever" upgrade can be used to ensure Arcane Initiate's ability gets us a spell.

You need money to pay for stuff. So, we have Hot Streak, which you will absolutely want to DD when played. Going up 14 resources should keep us funded for a while. If you need the cash to play cards early in a scenario, don't wait around for DD though. We should see the card again thanks to Quantum Flux. Uncage the Soul is more economy, or if you don't need the money.

Holy Rosary and Four of Cups give us more . And with a 13 card opening draw, we have decent odds of getting to put Four pf Cups into play for free.

Finally, we unfortunately can't rely on String of Curses to do all of the work in our deck, so Shrivelling and Spectral Razor give us other fighting options.


Nov 01, 2023 An_Undecayed_Whately · 1092

where did you run across a ruling that Painted World cannot duplicate String of Curses? I imagine it is in Limbo while Double, Double takes effect.

Reviews and commentaries from other folks (on the card's page, on , etc) generally indicate it's a valid combo

Nov 01, 2023 An_Undecayed_Whately · 1092

also: if you have the Clever trait on Friends in Low Places, why not swap out Quantum Flux for Foresight? Just kill your weakness instead of diluting it...