I've Waited 4 - No 5,000 Years To Make My Latest Shitty Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SorryLaurie · 567

As the old saying goes, "If you're not playing Calvin Wright, you're playing Wrong."

In this deck we plan on dying fast and leaving behind a sexy corpse. I recommend hard mulliganing for Solemn Vow if you're reading this shortly after the release of Edge of the Earth. Basically, everyone is running In the Thick of It now so you move damage or horror from them onto you as a stat boost out of the gate. Notably, Solemn Vow is fast so it does not interfere with your soak setup.

Also, don't forget that you can play multiple solemn vows on the same investigator, if another player has two mental trauma they can easily turn that into a base 2 book for you.

On a more serious note, Calvin's access to Spirit cards 0-3 leaves us with a wide pool of both level 0 as well as upgradeable cards in the form of things like Ward of Protection, Stand Together, Get Over Here, One Two Punch, etc. And while that is neat, where will you get the experience for these upgrades?

I cannot answer for the rest of the team, but with In the Thick of It we can versatile in Down the Rabbit Hole during deck creation, allowing us to easily upgrade many of these Spirit cards.

Naturally we also include the usual suspects in easily upgradeable Survivor cards. All of which provide either action compression or great soak.

Normally this would be the part where I explain the play style and explain if this is a fighting, clue-getting, flex, or support deck, but that is not why we are here.

Calvin Wright is a Survivor. Survivors didn't plan for this and I won't tarnish their legacy by making a plan for them. I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.

Side Note: If you are concerned about the Exile effect on things like Cherished Keepsake, don't be! When it gets exiled your deck drops below your minimum deck size, and you can add the level 0 version at no cost. Then, you can upgrade it for free through Down the Rabbit Hole.

Why Ghastly Revelation? Everyone on your team will question this decision. That is, they will question it right up until the point where the final act says something like "Advance when this location has no clues on it", and you proceed to ship a bunch of clues to the team from there and leave. Even on a turn where you play this card, you still have two other actions where you can investigate and potentially ship even more clues. And unlike some clue-getters, you have the common courtesy to die when you get your clues, meaning the rest of the team draws fewer encounter cards. Also, it's a Spirit card, so why not?


Jul 19, 2022 ClownShoes · 141

Needs more Toe to Toe...

Jul 19, 2022 Calprinicus · 5697

I like the use of Down the Rabbit Hole to pay for exile cards! Never thought of that. It's some pseudo exile tech reminesent of Déjà Vu.

You might look into Spirit of Humanity. I love this deck for Calvin.

I wish "I'll see you in hell!" did elite monsters (or at least damage to elite monsters), since you're also being defeated in the process. Oh well. I've used Ghastly Revelation with Calvin before and it's quite fun and effective.

I do hope that In the Thick of It gets some sort of errata, as I think it's too powerful and everyone has access to it. It's hard not to make a deck these days without it included.

Jul 20, 2022 Irgy · 1

My question is more, why the second copy of Ghastly Revelation?