[Expert] Wendy Adams, doer of things... FINDER OF CLUES!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

daranov · 43

Welcome to the Wendy Deck that cannot fail expert

This Wendy deck was designed for expert based on two major principles:

  1. Negative modifiers from tokens cannot reduce your base skill value below zero.
  2. If a skill test automatically fails, the investigator's total skill value for that test is considered 0.

Thus, if we can reduce the difficulty of any test to zero, no matter what token we draw, we cannot fail it! This principle applies equally to any difficulty but thrives on expert when you can ignore painful -8 and save a lot of card and resource investment to cover higher numbers.

So how does it work?

Quick Learner x2 modifies the difficulty of tests, which is crucial for how this build will work. Every test during or after your third action will have -2 difficulty.

Leo De Luca and Haste will reliably increase the number of actions beneficially modified by Quick Learner.

Old Keyring, Flashlight, Winging It, The Skeleton Key, and "Look what I found!"(functionally) further reduce shroud for investigating.

Improvised Weapon and Oops! can be used in a similar manner to cover combat.

You'll notice with Quick Learner that your first test will be more difficult-- luckily survivors have some of the most efficient card and resource gain from failing a single test. Drawing Thin, Take Heart, and Try and Try Again will help sustain your card draw and resource gain and Rabbit's Foot will give you card search based on the difficulty of the test, which you have functionally increased.

Example turn in a 2 shroud location:

Action 1 - Double [Drawing Thin](/card/05159) + [Take Heart](/card/04201) an investigate with a difficulty of 2 (shroud) + 2 (quick learner) + 4 (drawing thing) and fail for 6 resources and 2 cards. Action 2 - play an asset, activate [The Skeleton Key](/card/04270), move, or investigate with a [Old Keyring](/card/60507) or ["Look what I found!"](/card/01079) available. Action 3 - Investigate with a shroud of 0, thus you cannot fail. Action 4 (thanks to [Leo De Luca](/card/01048)) - investigate with a shroud of 0, thus you cannot fail. Haste Action - investigate again! Net for 1 turn: 6 resources, 2 cards, and 3 clues guaranteed. More depending on what else you use.

Worried about 3 shroud? Use winging it from your hand AND from your discard pile for 2 resources and get guaranteed 3 clues.

4 shroud? Old Keyring, Flashlight, and "Look what I found!" have you covered.

5 SHROUD??? The Skeleton Key as action 2 and you're golden.

Okay, okay, okay... but surely she can't fight? Untrue! with Improvised Weapon, Oops!, and Quick Learner you can do a similar type of thing for difficulty.

Recommended upgrades include: The Skeleton Key, Suggestion, Lockpicks, Rabbit's Foot, Relic Hunter, Scavenging

Note about Abandoned and Alone: This can be a devastating treachery card with direct horror and losing important cards from your deck. Strongly consider using Wendy's Amulet to bolster your deck size and save your events. Relic Hunter will help you save your deck space without losing Rabbit's Foot's card search.

Another note about The 13th Vision: This deck is significantly hard to play with this weakness out. If you randomize this weakness, it is a priority to get it to your discard pile and remove it from the game with Abandoned and Alone.

In Summary

This Wendy deck truly capitalizes on what makes the survivor decks so strong (failure mitigation and reduced test difficulties) and the increased action economy and some of their exceptional cards like Charon's Obol, The Skeleton Key while also taking advantage of one of the strongest character abilities in the game-- discard a card for a reroll. I have found her VERY effective on expert and fun to play because there is a lot of thought that goes into how best to utilize your Quick Learner and Haste actions.


Sep 06, 2020 Django · 5032

Note that The Skeleton Key sets shroud to 1 so the difficulty of that can't be changed. So Drawing Thin and Obscuring Fog won't increase shroud, neither would Quick Learner reduce it to 0. Also see the keys review page.

Sep 10, 2020 Zinjanthropus · 226

@Django While this is certainly true of cards that reduce the shroud of a location (as per the FAQ on Skeleton Key), surely it doesn't have any bearing on effects that reduce the difficulty of the test, such as Quick Learner or Momentum, as they don't affect the shroud at all.

Mar 19, 2021 housh · 170
