Fighting Dirty

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

krish · 50

Trying to make a decent Skids deck. The plan is, with Lone Wolf and Burglary, to always get that extra action. Add Leo De Luca, and be running at 5 actions a turn.


Aug 09, 2017 cheddargoblin · 86

My biggest question is how long until Burglary becomes action efficient. If an action in Skids terms = 2 resources then just playing Burglary costs 3 resources. Assuming optimal conditions (1 shroud playing Standard), it's initial use costs an additional 2 resources to activate. We're 5 resources in debt minus the 3 gained, so -2. The second use, before success, puts us at -4, with success puts us at -1. 3rd use, before success, -3, and then on success we break even. All of this is assuming you're staying at a 1 shroud location and not using any other cards to help succeed in your investigate attempt. (Which would likely be a waste of cards.) Even accounting for Lone Wolf and the standard 1 resource gain in Upkeep, I don't know that Burglary is really doing much work for you in regards to gaining you an extra action. But action usefullness is elastic in this game after all, so I would love to hear from you how this build works out in play. Please let me know!

Aug 09, 2017 krish · 50

@miggydoh, it was that logic that kept Burglary out of my Wendy deck but, after getting Leo out, Wendy doesn't need a lot of resources while Skids can always use more. Some people seem to love Burglary but I'm less sure. Maybe I'll drop it since I'm already planning on upgrading the Caches.

Aug 09, 2017 cheddargoblin · 86

I suppose it's a matter of how often it comes in handy. If you were running pumps it might be worth it. Not sure what you're planning to level up into. But nothing teaches better than play experience and I've not had the opportunity to play Skids or use Burglary with anyone else yet. My thoughts are purely theoretical.

Aug 11, 2017 krish · 50

I ended up swapping out the Burglaries for .45 Automatics on Extracurricular Activity on hard. This was to make sure I got a weapon good and early since I was the main tank. I felt like I had good luck, started with Lone Wolf and got Leo pretty soon, got those Caches just as needed, but it felt like Skids was little weak. This was our first playthrough on hard so maybe that's just how that goes. I ended up retiring because I was literally one card away from dying to Beyond the Veil. Maybe with some EXP, could start getting the sexier Rogue cards and that would make up the difference.

Thinking I'll drop the Beat Cops. A little too pricy when you're hoping to spend resources on extra actions and Leo is my first love anyways. Might drop Dodge as well.

Aug 12, 2017 cheddargoblin · 86

Sweet, you're playing Hard. I've been meaning to get back to harder difficulties, but my group kinda wanted that feeling of winning again after losing so much.

I'm starting to get the feeling that 4-5 cards of something you need for you deck to work is about the right amount. (4-5 weapons for guardians, or books for Daisy, stuff like that.)

Higher difficulties are a bit more punishing, especially with the token effects so it follows that you wouldn't do as well on your first try, but I hear Skids is hard to play well too. Prudent choice to leave the scenario before taking trauma.

The character I have spent time playing the most is Zoey Samaras and I found that I didn't want to run Beat Cop either. Too expensive. I like the Guard Dog better because it's cheaper and its damage avoids the randomness of the Chaos bag. Beat Cop I would probably take with Roland Banks, but with Zoey I always wanted to spend the XP on other cards. Dodge I would use to do other things like move, or draw cards if needed, to avoid the attacks of opportunity, but Zoey has no , so I bet with Evade actually being an option Dodge is less useful.