Zoey Samaras, Clue Taker, Monster Heart Breaker

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

menionleah · 78

This is for a two investigator multiplayer game where your partner is specialized in gathering clues. The clue gathering in this deck likely isn't consistent enough for solo play, and if there were more than two players, I would include cards like Leadership and possibly Teamwork.

First I would upgrade this deck with 1x Charisma and then follow up with 1x Lightning Gun an 2x Extra Ammunition.

After that I would add 2x Stand Together and 1x "I've had worse…" which should provide you with sufficient resources to pay for the expensive cards in your deck.

Lastly, I would pick up one copy of Keen Eye and a second Lightning Gun. If you find you are having more problems getting clues than you have being able to afford your cards, this can be picked up before Stand Together and "I've Had Worse..."