Roland Helps Billy Cooper Get It Now (Solo, Achievements)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Voltgloss · 358

Continuing my attempts to gather Return to the Night of the Zealot achievements, Roland Banks has as his primary goal the "Do You Get It Now?" achievement - which requires defeating the Ghoul Priest in front of Billy Cooper. I've a 5/8 chance of Billy being among the unique cultists, and I've got the Ghoul Priest in my encounter deck, and I've got two copies of On the Hunt to help find it. Let's give it a try!



No weapons in my first 10 cards, eh? Will have to make do. At least I have an investigating tool to get some early tempo.

R1 (1D, 0H, 3$, 0C): 0/6 doom

R2 (1D, 0H, 1$, 1C): 1/6 doom

I was very glad to see the "tutor an ally" version of Southside. Having Lita Chantler available makes everything much smoother in this scenario, especially for someone like Roland Banks who relies on his .

R3 (1D, 0H, 2$, 2C): 2/6 doom

R4 (2D, 1H, 3$, 3C): 3/6 doom

I made sure to end this round at Miskatonic University so that, if a Disciple of the Devourer spawned, he could only spawn two locations away - so that I'd have just enough time to run over and punch him to death before he made the Agenda flip early.

R5 (2D, 1H, 4$, 4C): 4/6 doom

Cheaper Beat Cop is always nice. I'm purposely not spawning any unique cultists yet until after I've handled the Agenda 1b challenge.

R6 (2D, 1H, 3$, 5C): 5/6 doom

Now I'm in a location with clues (and, it happens, a Victory point), ready to take on whichever Agenda 2a challenge comes my way.

R7 (2D, 1H, 1$, 5C): 6/6 doom

The 3-health, 1-location-away Victoria Devereux is a prime target for Marksmanship - allowing me to grab this other Downtown clue while I'm at it. And, soon, the primary object of my search will also appear: Billy Cooper.

R8 (2D, 1H, 2$, 4C): 1/8 doom

I'm ending my turn in front of Billy so that I can call up the Ghoul Priest using On the Hunt. I have two copies of it, so that's two tries. Turns out I'll need them.

R9 (2D, 0H, 1$, 3C): 2/8 doom

If I hadn't been achievement-hunting I could have spawned the Corpse-Taker with this play and interrogated Billy Cooper a round earlier. Would have led to a better result at scenario-end, but for this run, I'm more focused on the achievement.

R10 (2D, 0H, 1$, 0C): 3/8 doom

Success! Primary goal accomplished, time to see if I can squeeze out some more Victory, maybe at least 2 more unique cultists, and mayyyybe resolving Cover Up. Not a lot of time to do all that, though.

R11 (3D, 1H, 1$, 1C): 4/8 doom

Having to chase this second Disciple of the Devourer sadly wrecks my late-game tempo. At least I got the Graveyard Victory point.

R12 (3D, 1H, 2$, 0C): 5/8 doom [+1 on Disciple of the Devourer]

R13 (4D, 2H, 3$, 0C): 6/8 doom

Gah, third Disciple of the Devourer? Now I literally don't have enough time to complete Cover Up and interrogate one more cultist. I think on this for a while but ultimately, even though the mental trauma is really bad for Roland, I think having one fewer turn in Return to The Devourer Below is the worse result. That means interrogating Jeremiah here and then resigning at the last minute.

R14 (5D, 3H, 4$, 0C): 7/8 doom

No resolution = Resolution 1

I'm perfectly happy with this result having obtained this elusive achievement! Roland can't accomplish any other achievements in Scenario III that I don't already have, but I am nevertheless going to give it my strongest effort to see if Roland can satisfactorily resolve this campaign. Soon!