Run N' Gun Ursula 0xp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Toastrunner · 915

The main idea for this deck leans into Ursula's Relic access to make a strong cluever, who can help with enemy management if needed and play with the chaos bag to hedge your bets for big tests. And we look cool doing it.

Sound interesting?...

Ornate Bow and Disc of Itzamna are our enemy management tools. The Bow goes great with Ursula's 4 AG and is just really freaking cool and thematic for her. The Disc is more of a flex spot, but its done some serious work for me. Getting rid of an spawning enemy for a free action is pretty sweet, but YMMV.

Grotesque Statue is going to be our main hand item. This card is still awesome 5 cycles later. I'm not a math guy, but I do know it makes taking those scenario changing tests so much safer, especially on Hard+.

We use Dr. Elli Horowitz and Calling in Favors to get these expensive relics into play for free and solve our hand slot issues.

Pathfinder & Shortcut gives us free moves which means great action compression with Ursula's ability.

Mr. "Rook" & Eureka! give us solid card draw and let us get our good cards out quickly.

Crack the Case & Emergency Cache are the econ engine. Nothing fancy, but keeps you in enough cash to play your cards.

Fieldwork , Inquiring Mind and Unexpected Courage serve to pump Ursula's strong stat line to do just about anything required of her. Combined with the statue, you have some great odds to beat any test but strength you may come across.

Magnifying Glass & Death • XIII are just solid tools to help with your primary job.

Charisma lets us use our 5 allies and calling in favors without worry. Another card that is gold standard 5 cycles later.

Charon's Obol gets us to the final form quicker. I have been screwed by it once, 5 scenarios into a different campaign, but I still just can't resist. Great flavor with Ursula too.

Level up guide

Rough Priority:

Charon's Obol


Pathfinder for Shortcut

Ornate Bow for "I've got a plan!" (IGAP isn't great, but it does damage and subs in decently for the bow for a couple of scenarios)

The Chthonian Stone for Grotesque Statue (The stone is mediocre, but its a relic and takes up a hand slot so the transition is smooth.

Magnifying Glass for Magnifying Glass

Disc of Itzamna for Tooth of Eztli (I like the tooth for encounter deck protection and draw, and its also a relic so can go on Eli)

Shortcut for Unexpected Courage