Tommy makes a deal

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Tommy's Army 坦克汤米 0 0 0 1.0

awp832 · 66

What is this deck about? : The idea is to absorb all of the damage your team takes, have nearly infinite ammo on Becky, and have a statline that can't be beat. We are going to do this by recurring the Red Gloved Man.

Listed is what I consider to be the core of the deck, but many of these cards can be replaced with experience, or tailored to individual preference.

How are we going to do this, exactly? Because Tommy's ability allows him to shuffle an asset back into his deck when it is defeated, we are trying to get through the RGM's beefy pool of 4 health 4 sanity and get him shuffled back where we can draw and play him again. Every time the RGM dies, we will get a minimum of 4 resources (netting 2, considering RGMs cost), or 4 ammo tokens on Becky. Likely it will be more than this.

Need some help? Yes, repeating the RGM is critical, and although we try, we cant do this reliably by ourselves. You will want to pair this deck with any standard Daisy or Mandy deck, so they can help you search for what you need if you can't get it yourself.

So let's hear it... Right then, here's the breakdown.

Becky Although you have to take this, Becky serves our purposes quite well. When RGM dies, we will top off Becky if we need more ammo, or just take the resources.

Meat Cleaver You could choose .45 Thompson instead. I am choosing Meat Cleaver because of the potential to take horror damage. Really though, this is just in case you don't draw Becky.

Cherished Keepsake and Leather Coat both of these are here to provide some surviveability, and resource/ammo gain until you get your combo rolling.

Stray Cat The only reason for this is so we can have an ally to use for Calling in Favors to search up the Red Gloved Man.

The Red-Gloved Man The lynchpin. We're going to play RGM as a fast action, get 2 stats of our choice to 6, and do whatever we want with that. Then we are going to have the RGM absorb all of our teams damage, die, get his resources or ammo, and shuffle him back into our deck so we can do this all again.

Painkillers and Smoking Pipe These are here because we need some way to damage the RGM. He only shuffles back into our deck if he is defeated, so Painkillers or Smoking Pipe can finish off 1 hp or 1 sanity from the RGM, whichever we need them to do. We heal ourselves in the process, but that's incidental.

Physical Training We plan to have a lot of money. Lets have a way to spend it. If you have Keen Eye, you can replace this freely.

Solemn Vow We are going to be taking all 3 copies here. Even in a 2 player game, there is no limit of how many of these you can give away. Have your ally transfer up to 3 damage/horror to you. It's all good, the RGM can take it, the entire idea is for him to die. We are going to be begging our allies to deal us damage.

"Let me handle this!" We are looking for an encounter draw from our friends that deals horror or damage. We are going to take that for them, so we can kill the RGM during the mythos phase if we havent managed to do it already.

A Chance Encounter If we fail to pull off our combo and RGM goes into the discard pile, we run A Chance Encounter so we can pull him back into play and try again.

Blood Eclipse The easiest way to kill off RGM for sure. This also gives us a nuke against things that Becky might have a hard time dealing with. RGM will boost your willpower up to base 6, so you will be attacking at 9 willpower for 4 damage.

Calling in Favors To give up the cat and search for RGM.

Prepared for the Worst to search for Becky

Steadfast Optional. I feel this is a good skill card though.

Vicious Blow Optional, but useful against enemies with 3hp.


Oct 04, 2019 Faranim · 399

This also works fine with Brother Xavier, plus he has the built-in ability to take damage from other investigators at your location. Admittedly 5 resources is a larger up-front cost, but you no longer have to worry about him hitting the discard pile in the Mythos phase (although Rookie Mistake is still a risk)

You can also use Backpack to look for Becky plus all your other items, just in case you get super unlucky with Prepared for the Worst.

Oct 18, 2019 seasonedcoma · 642

The problem with Xavier is that he only nets one Resource/Ammo if he takes all of his health/sanity damage before dying. RGM will net at least 2 if he is defeated before the end of the Mythos phase.