William Yorick - Recurring Catastrophe (revised+guide)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
William Yorick - Recurring Catastrophe 0 0 0 1.0

William · 477

LVL 0:

1x Flashlight

1x .45 Automatic

1x Enchanted Blade

1x Emergency Cache

2x Live and Learn


Abuse the recursion on eucatastrophe, pass virtually every* non- test by getting +2 everytime with elder sign

*disclaimer: only if you draw -2 or worst at tests or -3 or worst at or tests.

This deck is best at higher difficulties, because you need to fail the harder you can.

Also note that you should not invest in tests unless you are not planning on Eucatastrophe (we don't plan on Eucatastrophe to fight i.e., so get the ability as high as you need, without fear: is covered by Eucatastrophe in any case, so nothing will be wasted).

Wracked, Cursed Luck, Whippoorwill and similar effects are your friends, reducing your stats and making it easier to proc Eucatastrophe, so evaluate carefully if you really want to clear those treacheries.

Sometimes Lucky! is good enough to pass the test. Don't hesitate to use it.

Finding Eucatastrophe is your primary goal. To do so, the deck has all the card-draw I find reasonable to run and can also thin with Backpack. Note that overriding a Backpack with another one or with Leather Coat will send to the discard pile the first Backpack and all items still in it: this is helpful sometimes to save actions, by playing those items from the graveyard when you defeat an enemy (using Yorick's ).

Keeping Madame Labranche alive is also very important: with her you can assure you end every turn with 2 Resouces (1 from her ability and 1 from the turn income) which is enough to play Eucatastrophe over and over.

Rest of the deck is just classic Yorick (lots of items that soak to re-play multiple times, weapons to kill enemies and Gravedigger's Shovel to auto-discover clues if needed - note that Gravedigger's Shovel can proc Newspaper, discovering 2 clues at the same time).

Take the Initiative is easily the worst card in this deck: I tried Resourceful instead, but this deck cannot make a lot of use of it, because we don't want to pass non- test by investing skills on it, so you can only invest Resourceful in tests, and at that point only things that are worth recurring are Eucatastrophe (which shouldn't be in the discard pile in first istance), Lucky! and Stunning Blow (items are not worth recursion because Yorick likes 'em in the discard pile), so i cut it for Take the Initiative which is a little situational but it's a +3 that can help while you find Eucatastrophe and get online.