Three's A Crowd, Part 3

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

zozo · 2971

This deck comprises a third of a trio of decks for a three-player attempt (from two core sets) at The Night at the Zealot. For decks one (Agnes) and two (Skids), please see: &

For all three decks, we're trying out the talent-traited cards, hence the slight mix of Arcane Studies & Hyperawareness here. You'll probably spot as well that as this was the third deck built, it suffers a fraction because Agnes has taken so many of the mystic cards. Some of those cards, such as Ward of Protection and Blinding Light off the top of my head, can have as decent a role in a Daisy deck as in an Agnes one (there's definitely utility there for either of them) but needs must, and hence this deck looking very -heavy. (If this deck had been Wendy, we'd have this issue with Agnes too; if it had been Roland, with Skids.)

Daisy's role in the trio is twofold: investigation and support. Working a Hunch, Deduction, Magnifying Glass & Dr Bugs all provide heavy duty for the former. Old Book of Lore, Research Librarian, Medical Texts, Encyclopedia & Cryptic Research (after xp) all work towards the latter. Similarly, Barricade & Mind over Matter can provide situationally useful support at the right time. Daisy also benefits from more of the neutral skill cards - if you hate barricade, you could even pop two Overpower or Perception in here for further card-draw goodness (although what you'd want to overpower I do not know.)

Anyway, those were my choices - let me know what you think!