Lets Rol Solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

schattelux · 9

Some thoughts:

I don't play hard or expert...

Roland is very good for solo as he can fight and gather clues. I wanted a deck which does not have a long setup (ready to go from the start) and is not too much dependend on ressources.

I wanted to test the power duo Fieldwork and Pathfinder. Both cards seem like really strong. If you don't find the time or the ressource to play them the deck should function nonetheless. But I imagine that if both cards are in play it should be really strong.

Only 1 ally means: save ressources, actions and skillpoints (no Charisma needed). Beat Cop gives Roland a very good 5 combat and sometimes those sweet additional damage points come in handy.

To mitigate Rolands small sanity there is one smoking-pipe and 2 copies of Forewarned and Logical Reasoning. These cards should help with really nasty treacheries.

Machete (2 cards) is the main weapon as it does not need ammunition and gives you the +1 damage boost almost all the time. To back it up there is the Roland's .38 Special and one .32 Colt. I prefer .32 Colt to .45 Automatic as 4 ammo is drained very fast. 1 copy of Prepared for the Worst hepls to get that Machete out.

Roland should get clues mainly through his special ability. But sometimes enemies are missing when you want to gather clues via fighting. So we need some raw investigate power. His investigate is only 3 therefore 2 Flashlight are needed for high shroud locations. If you run out of batteries or you don't find a Flashlight you have 1 copy of Magnifying Glass, which only gives you +1 but it can go back to your hand and it is fast.

This deck is not that ressources hungry but 2 copies of Emergency Cache is always good.

For card draw you have basic skill cards and you have 2 copies of Eureka!.

For me the most important thing is action-compression. You only have 3 actions each turn before you have to deal with those nasty treacheries. In this deck you have lots of action compression:

-> Skill cards (10 cards) don't need an action.

-> Fast cards (3 cards).

-> Vicious Blow (2 cards) and Deduction (2 cards) saves you actions hopefully...

-> Pathfinder (2 cards) is like a cheap Leo De Luca.

-> Beat Cop (2 cards) can give you free fighting damage.