Scavenging Dark Horse Minh Thi Phan

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

YesThisIsDog · 4

Planning on doing a runthrough for carcosa with Jenny. One aching problem I think I might have is that I won't have enough draw if I don't draw her signature asset, but I'm not sure. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Apr 22, 2018 StartWithTheName · 67607

I tried a similar concept when Minh first came out. The version i ran was quite different due to the available card pool, the issue that killed it for me was The King in Yellow. The problem was that assets typically have just 1 pip. So it burned an entire hand to clear it. You might have a similar issue here at a guess with all the single pip skill cards. You might want to consider cards like Working a Hunch or "Look what I found!". I realise you will rarely have the cash to play them, but they are a double pip too.

The other thing to think about is whether you actually need as many item assets as that. I know you want a target for Scavenging, but you can probably get away with maybe 6 items if you wanted. I would be inclined to keep at least Strange Solution and Rabbit's Foot for te pips (and draw). And ofc Magnifying Glass is a staple on a 4 ID imho. I have a feeling you dont need the keep sakes and jacket. you have 7/7 base and Madame Labranche is 2/2. That might free up space for draw/pips perhaps?

Apr 22, 2018 StartWithTheName · 67607

My take on it if you want some ideas.

It actually looks really fun now we have the pieces. I might have to give it a whirl too.

Apr 22, 2018 StartWithTheName · 67607

gah sorry - better link

Apr 23, 2018 YesThisIsDog · 4

Seems great! I think i'll take out the keepsake and leather coat and add working a hunch to see if that will work out in the end. Thanks for the suggestions! You're build looks pretty great!

Apr 23, 2018 Django · 5032

You're playing with Jenny Barnes, is this deck more focused on investigation, while jenny handles the enemies or are both decks balanced?

My personal experience is, Scavenging is not worth it if you intend to replay assets, but It's great for commiting them over and over again. Mostly there's either no time to play the recovered assets or nothing left to investige when you fought a lot and lost your Baseball Bats.