21 Clues in a Turn | HC 7.5k Guide

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

HungryColquhoun · 8383

21 Clues in a Turn


I'm starting a new series, with a deck each Sunday using the new Drowned City cards. I started drafting these decks when I was around 7.5k rating, so I'll stick with calling this my 7.5K series! Here Amanda uses the new and improved Enraptured to supercharge two Eon Charts, allowing for 5 investigate actions where you can commit Deduction to each one...


  • Upgraded Enraptured allows you to recharge (and re-secret?) assets like never before, and naturally Amanda can use her ability to commit it to every investigation test in a turn. Two Eon Charts with Relic Hunter is a natural pairing, giving two additional investigate (or move/evade) actions. Committing Deduction •• to 5 investigate actions gives up to 15 clues, and then you can use Practice Makes Perfect to commit a second Deduction •• twice for a further 4 clues. Then, you can also use Working a Hunch twice for an additional 2 clues. Step aside, Archaic Glyphs!

  • Other outlets for Enraptured are Scroll of Secrets and Arcane Insight (or even eligible assets of fellow investigators). Arcane Insight allows you to more easily trivialize high shroud locations, while Scroll of Secrets gives insane card draw that can discard weaknesses alongside the ability to manipulate the encounter deck.

  • Speaking of card draw, and in addition to Amanda's ability and Scroll of Secrets, there's Unrelenting - which you can use across multiple actions in a tried and tested combo that can draw up 10 cards in a turn (assuming 5 actions with tests). Cryptic Research also chucks cards at you, as does Perception. Laboratory Assistant is more card draw and horror soak for when you inevitably cycle. In terms of resources, this deck is relatively cheap so despite Cryptic Writings being your only resource card it's enough to get by.

  • Enemy management is Vicious Blow •• and Mind over Matter, which works well enough given you're primarily a clue finder. Stunning Blow is useful to exhaust enemies where you're not going to kill them in a single turn. As with all cards under Amanda, you can use Obscure Studies to recapture Vicious Blow •• for a second turn of fighting.

  • Did I mention this is also a bless deck? Signum Crucis (which is 0 XP with the taboo) allows you to flood the bag with blesses from time to time, especially if commit it to repeat tests with Amanda's ability. These can then be sealed on Unrelenting for card draw and to keep them in the bag longer. Bless tokens help with treacheries, as does Mouse Mask and Curiosity. Higher Education was forgone for this reason, as there's enough coverage for and you don't really need boosts.

Campaign starter and planned progression

In the Thick of It makes this a 29 XP deck. In terms of side deck one Promise of Power could replace a Plan of Action, but I'm not a huge fan of tokens - especially with Amanda's iffy statline. Long Shot can be used for more damage on a Vicious Blow turn (or to commit to every Mind over Matter action), but in practice the lack of symbols hurts it quite a bit. You could keep Vicious Blow un-upgraded and instead have two copies of Death • XIII (likely kicking out Working a Hunch for space), but I think there's already enough symbols in the deck (paired to the ridiculous card draw) that this unnecessary.

0 XP deck is as follows (and link here):


A recommended order of purchases/upgrades is (you can move Vicious Blow •• up to after Deduction •• if you need more combat flex early):

Final thoughts

This deck is stupidly good! As soon as you get an Eon Chart out then Enraptured •• works exactly as intended, supercharging both the Chart and you're other assets and making you benefit massively from Deduction ••. While the situations where you'll actually need 21 clues in one turn are vanishingly slim, the raw power to hoover up so many clues rapidly is never going to not be useful.

Give it a try, you'll like it! For the series itself, I've drafted 10 decks total all using the new cards (one with one of the new investigators - which I'll post a bit further down the line). Hope you enjoy!


Mar 09, 2025 Shandras · 3

Amanda go fast! Hard to say much, it's Amanda, it draws, clues and fights like only Amanda can. I do have one question: in my experience, Perception (2) has been one of the biggest and most efficient upgrades to Amanda's draw. I get that it's another 4 exp to spend, but I wonder if you could find room for them somehow?

Mar 09, 2025 HungryColquhoun · 8383

@Shandras Thanks for giving it a once over! Regarding Perception ••, with having extra actions from Eon Chart this allows even base Perception to work better than normal (as you can get another couple of actions to commit it) - and there's also Unrelenting for massive card draw too, so personally I didn't miss it.

For changes to accommodate it, you could remove a Cryptic Research or Arcane Insight to give the necessary XP (with Cryptic Writings or a Shortcut filling the gap), but for the former it's nice to have card draw which isn't dependent on taking skill tests to work (and you can use it on other investigators too), and for the latter the synergy is too good with Enraptured •• for me to want to change it. It's definitely a reasonable and easy change to make though, I just like everything else a (tiny) smidge better!

Mar 10, 2025 HungryColquhoun · 8383

(I should say on top of this, Scroll of Secrets is also additional card draw and deck manipulation - at least while the taboo remains in place!)

Mar 11, 2025 Magic Al · 9

A fun sounding deck indeed. Could Ariadne's Twine fit in this deck perhaps? With one Enraptured round, it effectively becomes a drip economy for the player for the rest of the scenario.

Mar 11, 2025 HungryColquhoun · 8383

@Magic Al Glad you like it! To be honest this deck runs cheap enough that drip economy isn't really needed. If you do want to go that route adding another copy of Cryptic Writings or some more classic Seeker econ cards (Crack the Case) would be a cheaper alternative in terms of XP, particularly with how easily the deck cycles (but then I would include more resource sinks than are on the deck currently).

The core asset set here (Magnifying Glass, Scroll of Secrets, two Eon Chart, Arcane Insight and Mouse Mask) only costs 10 resources, and you start with 5, and then Cryptic Writings (which you find easily with the card draw) gives you 2 more. Really you're up and running as soon as you have one Eon Chart in play, so the very slimline resource economy here works in practice.