Kate Winthrop From Dark Matter Science Day Expansion 39 XP

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Handsomestguyalive · 1

Going to space with science, research and lockpicking!

This is an alternate Kate, made by the Dark Matter team, found here - https://mysteriouschanting.wordpress.com/2022/10/29/dark-matter-science-expansion/

I used 39XP as the build point, because her signature asset will be handing you XP for researched cards, and I found it gained me an average of 2~3XP a scenario which adds up.

Post Campaign Review- This deck with Archaic Glyphs ended up being very strong. We played 3p Dark Matter on "Standhard- Standard bag, hard symbols." I was consistently cleaning out 6~9 clue locations in one test. I also ran one Acidic strange solution because I used Shrewd Analysis on a whim, but it ended up exclusively being my Riftwalker weakness tech which worked great. I also ran the ravenous myconid that ate enemies, but that is because we had a Diana Stanly in our game who had that angle covered. It ended up being incredible (big shock there) but I think either are great depending on group. I also don't think the 2nd copy of Fine Tuning was worth it, so I kept deep knowledge instead.

3, 4, 1, 4.

Health - 5 Sanity - 9

You may take an additional action each turn, which can only be used on abilities on researched cards or cards with a researched upgrade.

Elder Sign effect - +2, If you succeed, place one charge on Flux Stabilizer.

Deckbuilding Options: Seeker cards 0-5, cards with investigate in its text 0-5, Neutral cards 0-5, Science cards 0-3.

Deckbuilding Requirements: Flux Stabilizer, Dimensional Study, Dimensional rift, 1 random basic weakness.

Dimnsional Study - Event - 2 Cost -

When you search your deck and Dimensional Study is among the searched cards, draw it. (max one research abilty per search).

Choose a non-Elite enemy at your location and test (X), where X is that enemies fight value. If you succeed, defeat that enemy, or evade that enemy and move it to a connecting location. This action does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Dimensional Rift - Treachery, Player Weakness - Revelation - Put Dimensional Rfit into play in your threat area.

Spend 1 charge from Flux Stabilizer: Search your bonded cards, discard pile, and deck for Rift Walker and draw it.

Forced - At the start of the enemy phase: Search your bonded cards, discard pile, and deck for Rift Walker and draw it.

Forced - If Dimensional Rift has 2 or more damage on it: Discard it.

Rift Walker - Weakness, Enemy, 2, Health -, 3.

Monster, Extradimensional.

Bonded (Dimensional Rift, Flux Stabilizer).

Forced - At the end of the round: Set Rift Walker aside, out of play. Move all damage tokens from Rift Walker onto Dimensional Rift.

*Flux Stabilizer, Asset

Science. Permanent. Kate Winthop Only. Uses (2 charges).

After you succeed an skill test by 2 or more, place 1 charge on Flux Stabilizer.

When you resign or the game ends: For every 4 charges on Flux Stabilizer, reduce the experience cost of the first Researched card you upgrade before the next scenario by 1.

Spend 2 charges: Shuffle dimensional Study from your discard pile back into your deck.

The plan here is to use that extra action to get the most out of any upgrade cards. The main clue getting will be Archaic Glyphs, as combined with higher education and the various ways to pull cash/ top up your hand in this deck will keep the engine moving. In addition, the lockpicks at a base 8 will help knock out the high shroud locations with minimal items spent to achieve, and they can be repeatedly topped off with Emergency Cache. Additionally, fine tuning can be used to untap the lockpicks and strange solutions to get more value. The "group hug" element of the deck should be used to keep your fighter and flex topped up with resources to help blow past big tests.

Some spicy tech, the verbiage on Dimensional Rift and the way searching works allows investigaors to search all zones mentioned, allowing a free search to pull either the signature event or Astounding Revelation for resource top up.

Link to the 0xp deck

Link to the final deck

Upgrade Path

 Cost  Total
 2  Archaic Glyphs    Archaic Glyphs ••• 6 XP 6 XP
 2  Strange Solution    Strange Solution •••• 8 XP 14 XP
 1  Ravenous Myconid    Ravenous Myconid •••• 4 XP 18 XP
    +  Higher Education ••• 3 XP 21 XP
    +  Charisma ••• 3 XP 24 XP
 1  Archive of Conduits    Archive of Conduits •••• 4 XP 28 XP
 1  Deep Knowledge  →  Fine Tuning 1 XP 29 XP
 2  Emergency Cache    Emergency Cache ••• 6 XP 35 XP

(View at arkham-starter.com)