Jenny Barnes goes to the theatre

Card draw simulator

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catspaw · 2

The Path to Carcosa cycle


Apr 08, 2018 catspaw · 2

This will be my first run through of the Carcosa campaign, so if you are kind enough to leave a comment, please no spoilers!

Apr 09, 2018 veneretio · 339

Interesting list, how are you envisioning the upgrade path for it at this time?

Apr 09, 2018 catspaw · 2

Thanks for the interest. I have two ideas I’d like to follow through. The first would be one of the usual paths for Jenny, being the various the talents where she would use her large income and attempt to buy her way out of trouble, so here I’d be looking at #moxie and #streetwise and maybe #physical training. The second idea would be making use of allies through being able to field an extra helper via #charisma and cycling in the the right ally to meet the most pressing problem via #calling in favours. The latter card would also provide a limited regeneration of damage and horror as the ally was returned to your hand and then played again. This flexibility and renewal may well prove helpful in true solo.

Of course events may curtail these plans. I only managed to pick up 1 experience in the first scenario and got saddled with a mental trauma. Being unable to deal with the scenario’s major foe a second time Jenny was chased from the theatre before she had finished her investigations. So some sort of combat boost maybe the first thing to look at.

Apr 10, 2018 Croaker13 · 2659

Good luck with the campaign. It's quite tough, so don't be discouraged if you have to start over at some point.

If you do end up going for the allies idea, you should consider a Cat Burglar. Without spoiling anything, I can at least say that the additional mobility can be a real life-saver (though that was true of Dunwich as well).

Regarding damage output, I'm personally becoming really fond of the new Lupara - especially when you also include Sleight of Hand so you can get a couple of extra uses out of them.

Apr 10, 2018 catspaw · 2

Thank you for the advice and encouragement. Good idea about the Lupara and Sleight of Hand combination, I had thought the provision of just 2 ammo on the gun was a little mean.