Queen Suzi (standalone)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

VinnyB · 97

Flexy cluever build for multiplayer standalone. Sun/Moon favors catch the / from Tempt Fate in order to charge and then trigger the Twilight Diadem, allowing for targeted disgorgements. Suzi's unusually powerful , and her ability to "hold" (and later disgorge) combo cards, make this a surprisingly painless process with a very powerful payoff.

Note that this works fine even if your group is blurse-shy. Devour every Tempt Fate and Favor until you can Regurgitate a set of 3 to play and immediately catch all 6 tokens. That first pair of Favors can charge up the Broken Diadem over 3 turns. Once it's charged, the 2nd TF and FotM (and/or FotS?) can be used to control when to trigger the 3 .

If you haven't played Suzi before, the general goal is to not have her stats fluctuate up/down/up (as might be expected at first glance), but rather to go up and then simply stay up, by providing her a steady stream of in-play food. For example:

Hanging onto a Regurgitation is a good idea, in case Reality Acid shows up and happens to shrink her down to something as small as 4/4/4/4 (gasp). (Note that if you ever pull a on her weakness, you can get a regurgitation-loop going!)